Monday, March 2, 2009

One Cool Motorcycle Shirt

By LJ James

Has you Son, Daughter, Niece, Nephew or Grand kid Changed in the past year or so? Have they become withdrawn or maybe a little rowdy? When you ask them what they want for the Holidays or a special occasion is the answer "I don't know?" Was it just a few years ago you used to be able to always get them the perfect gift they wanted , Does it now seem like they are choking trying to get out the half hearted thank you every time you give them a gift?

Do you want to be the Cool Grandparent, Aunt , Uncle or Parent again at their Birthday or during the Holidays this years? Do you want to see that look in their eye again you used to always see when they opened one of your presents? Well you can see it once again, Because Skull Gear Apparel Inc has got your back, and theirs with their infamous "Back The F**k Off" Sweat Shirts!

The Sweatshirt has become almost legendary! If you know some one who wears Punk Clothing, Gothic Clothing, Rock Clothing, Goth Clothes, Rockabilly clothing , cool clothes or just likes to look like a Bad-Ass! Then this is the perfect gift! The back of the shirt says BACK THE in large letters on top and the words F**K OFF in large letters on the Bottom and in the middle is a large 45 caliber revolver pointed right at you!!! The Sweatshirts come in Grey with Black writing or Black with White writing and are available with Hood and Pocket or with out!

Some teens or young adults parents may not like or approve of this gift! But I can promises all of the recipients friends are going to love it! Hey we all go threw that crazy rebellious faze and most of us come threw it OK! The Holidays and Birthdays are not the time to complain about how a person dresses or try to talk them out of what they are into! It is the time where we all want to give the best gift.

So if you know someone young or old who likes to dress in Black or Grey and just wants to be left alone. Check out and be the Cool relative that your whole family will be talking about all year long !!!

your bro, L.J. James of - 15634

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