Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

By Dan da Silva

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look young as you get older, in fact it is perfectly natural,as is the use of anti-aging skin care products to help achieve this effect. We achieve this with anti-aging products that synthesize the production of the protein collagen. Collagen is related to other Substances called anti-oxidants which help reduce the anti-aging process.

Although the benefits of vitamin C (an anti-oxidant) are well documented, it is still debated as to what our daily amount should be. Unfortunately all skin care treatments that use vitamin C have the problem of atmospheric oxidization to contend with once the product is exposed to the air.

More stable skin care treatments are now available that are almost as efficient and actually cost less to manufacture. Unfortunately the anti-oxidant products used to replace vitamin C are not as effective but as vitamin E and lipoic acid can both have the same effect; this is not too much of a problem.

Found in human blood, vitamin E is not only an anti-oxidant but is designed to increase the immune system's resistance to disease and can also help ward off cancer. Another, lipoic acid is in every cell of our body and is used to generate energy for us to live but also helps reduce and reverse the skin's aging process.

Other compounds called phytochemicals, have proved to be beneficial in the formulation of anti-aging skin care products. These include prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.

Some B-vitamins like B5, B6 and B12 are also in use for anti-aging skin care products. This just goes to highlight just how complex and far reaching the whole field of anti-aging skin care products is and why so much more research is required.

In time new discoveries will be made advancing our understanding of the ageing process and products that can reduce or reverse the effects more successfully. There may be many challenges still to overcome but in time scientists believe they will succeed in producing more effective anti-aging skin care products that are less expensive and available to more people.

However, man-made skin care regimes should be used only as a supplement. What proportion of the population actually eat healthily, take plenty of exercise, drink sufficient water and obtain restful and regular sleep? - 15634

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