Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ingredients Commonly Found in Stretch Mark Creams

By Claire Jenkins

If you want to have soft, smooth and youthful looking skin then you need to follow a good daily routine. Various different creams can help with the effectiveness of this. But what happens when problems arise like pregnancy stretch marks. These ugly scars can drastically undo all you hard work.

Some creams are much more expensive than others and some creams work and some creams don't. It is not always the case that more expensive is better either. So with all the conflicting information out there, how do you choose which is the best one?

You must first know that stretch marks are the result of over stretching the skin in a very short time causing the breakdown of skin elasticity that forms scars. When they first appear, stretch marks are red or purple on the skin streaks. When they fade to a white or off white color.

The most common causes of stretch marks are obesity and pregnancy. Consequently a large portion of the today's population has them somewhere. Those aren't the only causes however, bodybuilders frequently get them too!

The best treatment for stretch marks is prevention and not getting them to begin with. Keep you skin moisturized if you are pregnant or gaining weight quickly. If you already have stretch marks then you can talk to your doctor about surgery or give one of the popular stretch mark creams a try.

Vitamin E oil is high on the list of natural remedies to help prevent stretch marks that occur during pregnancy. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and helps prevent damage from free radicals. Cocoa butter, which is naturally rich in vitamin E, has been a popular choice of pregnant women for centuries for both prevention and treatment of stretch marks

Emu oil is another popular ingredient in many products. It has been used for thousands of years by the Aborigines in Australia and has been proven to treat scars, burns and many other conditions. It comes from the Emu bird, a cousin of the ostrich, and the oil is extracted from its upper back and used for clinical purposes.

Many products can appear misleading in their descriptions and claims. Be certain to carry out your due diligence when researching these stretch mark creams. Read a few independent reviews and visit the manufacturers website. Try to only purchase from companies that will give you a full refund if you are unsatisfied for any reason. - 15634

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