Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beautiful Skin Naturally: Aromatherapy Skin Care Basics

By Jean Patton

The aim of any natural therapy is to restore balance to the body - the same is true in using essential oils for skin care. With natural aromatherapy oils and 'base' ingredients, you can support and nourish the skin in a way superior to any synthetic product. While dramatic results can sometimes be seen with skin care ingredients made in a laboratory, natural botanicals can, when properly blended and applied, support long-lasting change without harsh chemical side effects.

Basic (yet very effective) aromatherapy blends for your skin will use some formula of essential oils from plants and flowers, based in a nutritive carrier oil, usually a seed or nut oil. These types of blends provide the powerful therapeutic healing effects of essential oils with the nutritive essential fatty acids of the carriers. Making your own blends is a very simple process; simply measure the proper amounts of carrier oils into a one, two, or four ounce mixing bottle (one with an eye dropper top are best, providing an easy way to dispense the blend) and add the essential oils, mixing as you go.

Several essential oils and carriers are held in high-esteem for their regenerative and nutritive properties. With only a small collection of oils, you can make highly-effective recipes applicable to particular skin conditions such as premature aging, UV and other damage, acne-prone skin and more.

These few primary skin care oils include the following: Helichrysum italicum - the oil of this flower is one of the most highly regarded in aromatherapy for it's great versatility. It has a pleasant aroma, it contains rare 'di-ketones' which stimulate the skin's natural metabolism, and is a powerful anti-inflammatory (all tissue damage and aging is associated with inflammation on a cellular level). Lavender oil - 'true' or 'French' Lavender is the most used oil in aromatherapy today because of it's great multitude of effects. Like Helichrysum, it contains regenerative ketones; it reduces inflammation; it speeds wound healing; AND it has an aroma very well known for its relaxing effects - easing tension while healing your skin - could you ask for more? Next up is Rosemary of the 'verbenone' type. It also contains ketones (that the cineol type does not) and is known as a circulatory and metabolism stimulant, increasing the flow of nutrients in, and waste products out, of your skin cells. Palmarosa essential oil is included in many blends for it's gentle cleansing and antiseptic properties. And last but not least, Carrot Seed oil is the premier oil for regenerating tired, lifeless skin - often a result from too much stress or high levels of pollutant exposure.

There are several other oils with positive effects on the skin (some will be mentioned in the blends below), these just happen to be the most often used. With research, you can find essential oils that will address particular skin conditions that are not covered here. Further, there are in fact hundreds of essential oils available, each with it's own unique composition and aroma. Adding a little to your blends simply for their fragrance influence is highly recommended. A few drops of precious oils like Jasmine, Neroli, Sandalwood or Rose can create that aromatic combination you simply love, and will want to wear all the time.

The essential oils are almost never applied to the skin undiluted (Lavender is a rare exception). Instead, they are added to what are known as 'carrier' or 'base' oils. Diluting the essential oil in carrier not only stretches your dollar, but the oils actually are more effective this way! Research has shown that most essential oils have the most dramatic therapeutic effects at concentrations of less than 5% of the total blend. And the carriers have their own positive effects; besides helping your skin absorb the essential oils, they provide nutrients such as essential fatty acids, and vitamin compounds which enhance the skin's health.

Some of the carrier oils often found in skin formulations include Hazelnut, Rosehip seed, and Evening Primrose. Hazelnut is a very gentle oil with little aroma of it's own, and being suitable for virtually all skin types, it use used in a vast number of blends as the primary carrier. To this, Rosehip seed oil is added for it's concentration of triple-unsaturated fatty acids, and it's natural trans-retinoic acid; a vitamin-A compound similar in effects to Retin-A without drying side effects. Evening Primrose is often also included in lower concentrations for it's high levels of GLA or gamma-linolenic acid, and is considered important in cases of eczema and skin showing signs of premature aging.

For the first recipe, we'll start with a blend that's for daily use for all skin types. It's created to give the skin health and vitality, while keeping it clean and beautiful: Pour one ounce of Hazelnut oil into your mixing bottle (double all the ingredients if you'd like to make two ounces). Add fifteen drops (about 2/3rds of a milliliter) Thyme essential oil of the Linalool chemotype (be sure to get this kind, as other types of Thyme are to strong to use on the skin). The add fifteen drops each of Rosemary verbenone, Neroli (or a high-quality Petitgrain - distilled from the same plant as Neroli with a lower cost), Spike Lavender (almost a cross between true lavender and sage - excellent for it's antiseptic properties). While originally created as an acne-clearing blend, it did so well for so many folks it is now used as a basis for healthy 'normal' skin as well.

For sensitive and damaged skin, try: 3/5ths ounce Hazelnut Oil, 1/5 Rosehip Seed Oil, and 1/5 Evening Primrose Oil. To this, add 15 drops Moroccan Chamomile or German Chamomile, 15 drops Helichrysum, 15 drops Lavender, and 15 drops Roman Chamomile. This blend will enhance the regenerative capability of the skin, while reducing the inflammation which accompanies any type of damage and aging.

For clearing excessively oily and acne-prone skin, to one oz. of Hazelnut oil, add fifteen drops each of Myrtle essential oil (use the green, rather than red, variety), Eucalyptus Dives, Spike Lavender, and Rosemary verbenone. The Myrtle is special in that it dissolves the sebum clogging skin pores, and the Eucalyptus calms the output of the sebaceous (oil-producing) glands.

If your skin has no particular 'condition', but appears tired, lifeless, pallid, or 'worn out', try mixing one-fifth ounce of Rosehip Seed and four-fifths ounce Hazelnut oil. Then add 15 drops each of Carrot Seed essential oil (also known as Queen Anne's Lace or Wild Carrot), Lemon verbena (which helps the skin detoxify), Niaouli (gently tightening the skin), and Rosemary verbenone - this creates an excellent restorative blend. For aging skin needing firming that can be used around the eyes - try this more gentle variety: Mix in five ounces of Hazelnut oil and one ounce of Rosehip seed oil, add fifteen drops of each of Myrtle essential oil (green), Cistus or Rock Rose and Rosemary.

These are only a few aromatherapy skin care recipes for a woman's natural beauty medicine chest. There are many texts available to help you create more complex blends, or one's with your favorite aromatics. Blending your own facial and skin formulas is easy, rewarding, and in the long run, cost-effective. Using natural botanicals in a consistent, mindful manner can lead to long-lasting, noticeable natural health of your skin. Just remember with aromatherapy, essential oil concentrations should be kept low for best results - pay attention to how your own body reacts and you're sure to find the ingredients and measures most effective for you! - 15634

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