Monday, October 27, 2008

How To Increase Your Website Traffic

By Don Bethune

So you have started this great blog. You have written great posts or posted awesome pictures, but you are scratching your head trying to figure out why nobody is reading. Many bloggers feel that generating site traffic is difficult and donat bother to try, but itas not as hard as you think.

Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. Start by evaluating the layout of your blog. Is it well organized or is it riddles with chaos and confusion? Are the pages easy to navigate to your visitors? Readers will leave your blog in a hurry if your layout is complicated.

How much is too much? Your first instinct is to flood your blog with ads. The more ads you have the more money you make, right? Wrong. In fact readers are turned off to a page that is covered in ads. Some ads contain harmful adwares that can harm computers. It is better if you are choosey about the ads you use.

The content of your blog should be focus around a subject that you are familiar with. You want to establish yourself as an expert on the topic, without sounding arrogant or redundant. Finding your niche will make writing posts easier and more enjoyable.

Keep up to date on current news and trends pertaining to your subject, and breaking news will always keep readers returning to see whatas new. Everyone loves to be ain the knowa, so the more relevant information you can provide the better.

Posting on blogs that are related to your topic can help generate traffic to your site. Comment on postings and leave a link to your site. Be careful, donat over do it or leave your link only. If you are thought of as a spammer, it will tarnish the reputation of your site and you could loose readers.

If your server can handle a lot of traffic, you may want to consider offering readers the capability to add your site to social networking sites. A site that allows readers to vote on an article and ranks them accordingly can really boost your site traffic.

With these few steps, you are on your way to gaining more traffic to your site. Just remember that getting them there is the easy part, keeping them is the hard part. Keep your readers by avoiding negative articles. You can attract more flies with honey, rather than vinegar. - 15634

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