Thursday, October 30, 2008

Having a Spa Party Night at Home

By Darla Cruise

It is really good for women to get together with their friend and offer each other the kind of support that they just cannot get from the men in their lives. Women really like to talk things out, for instance, and men often just don't understand that. That is when bonding with girlfriends becomes not only handy, but, also vital to our mental health. Spending time together just hanging out and understanding each other is really good for us.

If you've decided to have a Girl's Night In - At Home Spa with your girlfriends, here are some ideas to get you started. The first thing that you want to consider is the atmosphere. You would, of course, want to make sure the rest of the family had someplace else to be, so that you and your friends would have the place to yourselves. Then you would want to make the atmosphere of the main room you will all be in, absolutely soothing. Dim the lights, light some candles around the room and play some nice relaxing music. Make sure that there are plenty of comfortable places for everyone to sit.

For the pampering part of your Home Spa, ask your girlfriends to all bring some supplies of their own. They could bring supplies for fixing up their fingernails, some of their favorite makeup, and maybe a facial mask. You could even do each other's hair, so make sure they bring brushes and supplies for that, too. A helpful thing for your girlfriends to bring is a pillow and maybe even a blanket for the relaxation part of your spa.

You can sit around and talk, waiting for everyone to arrive, when your friends first begin to show up. You can serve them smoothies and dark chocolate when they first get there. You can also have some women's magazines lying around the room. Since you want this to be a positive, uplifting experience, make sure that they are positive ones, and not the mud-slinging gossip rags, .

Once all of your guests arrive, you can start fixing each other's nails and doing each other's hair. And you can all do a facial mask and then apply makeup for each other. Once everyone is finished with all of that, you can get out a progressive body relaxation CD. Everyone finds a comfortable spot and you all relax to the words of the CD. By the end of your evening together, you are all going to feel refreshed and ready to face the world again! - 15634

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