Monday, October 27, 2008

Discover The Easy Way To Prevent And Treat Cold Sores

By Tina Woodburn

If you are someone who gets cold sores, then you should know many of the methods of prevention to ensure you get them as little as possible. There are many things you can do to minimize your chances of getting cold sores on your lips.

Cold sores are not only painful but they are usually extremely irritating as well. They quite often spread from one area of the lips to another and this is because the fluid contained within the sore is contagious when it comes into contact with other parts of the skin, especially around the immediate mouth area.

Many people get cold sores when they have a low lysine level in their body. Other people get them when they are under a lot of stress.

If you get cold sores there are several things you can do to ensure you don't have a breakout. It's important you take the right steps to minimize your chances of getting an outbreak.

Sun exposure is a factor that can be responsible for causing cold sores. You should make sure to use sunblock when appropriate and always keep moisturizers on your lips to prevent a breakout when you are in the sun.

Once you already have a cold sore and you want to do everything you can to stop it spreading, keep your hands away from it. Try not to pick, squeeze or nip it, however tempted you may be, as this will only spread the fluid inside the sore to other parts of your lips. If you do forget, and find yourself picking at the sore, make sure you wash your hands straight away.

You can also prevent cold sores by taking Vitamin C and Lysine, deficiency of which is know to be the biggest cause of outbreaks. You can take both Vitamin C and Lysine in supplement form and this will reduce the amount of sores you suffer with and will also prevent future outbreaks from occurring.

No one likes getting a cold sore, but you can use the above tips to help prevent them from being a nuisance in your life. You can do certain things to prevent them like take plenty of vitamin C, Lysine, and stay out of the sun to prevent dry and cracked lips. Always keep your lips moisturized and be sure to eat a healthy diet. - 15634

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