Friday, October 31, 2008

Will I be Able to Keep Muscle While I Lose Body Fat?

By Ricardo d Argence

It is true, you may lose body fat and maintain your muscles! However it does take commitment and it does take a lot of work. Before you start any type of weight loss program, you must be committed and also set realistic goals. If you do not, than you are setting yourself up for failure. So make a firm decision to do it and don't give up.

In order to lose fat and maintain muscle mass, just drink water! Think of your body as an automobile, without water or fluids that lubricate, you would get no where. Water is vital to your existence, and it flushes out your system, while refreshing your body. Muscle, especially, will not grow without it. Drink at least a gallon of water or more a day. You should always have it on hand no matter where you are.

One of the best ways to achieve your bodybuilding goals is to eat healthy foods in small servings 5 or 6 times throughout the day rather than 3 big meals. In order for your metabolism to work as effectively as possible while burning calories. Talk to your doctor before making any major changes in your diet.

Reducing your calorie intake at 150 to 200 in the beginning of your diet is recommended. Later on, you can reduce more as necessary. Your energy productivity and reflection will be your best guides. Your diet must contain 50% protein to maintain and build muscle, 40% carbohydrates as fuel for your body, and 10% for long term energy reserves if you want to remain healthy.

Work out early in the day for maximum benefit. You burn the most fat and build the most muscle in the morning, so it's the ideal tim to workout.

This exercise should be done in succession to achieve the best results. Two build muscles and the other burns fat. The optimum way to keep up is to do cardio workouts one day and then weight train the next day.

Maintain short focused cardiovascular workouts with one 30 minute or two 15 minute sessions three to four times a week. To avoid injury you should always use those time periods to warm up or cool down. You may want to consider scheduling cardio workouts when you are not weight training.

Weight training three to four days weekly should alternate with your cardiovascular workouts days. You can build muscle mass by weight-training for an hour while concentrating on one or two muscle groups each session.

In most cases resistance training in short sessions for several days each week has proven to be the most beneficial when focusing on a small number of muscle groups. If you do choose to do two or three heavy sets of exercises, try to keep your workouts to a minimum of thirty or forty-minutes. You may want to keep the number of repetitions lower in order to avoid overload for growth.

Drinking lots of water, eating right, and alternative your workout sessions are some of the ways you can build muscle and burn fat. - 15634

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