Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Become a Singer and Performer

By Elizabeth Schohl

How can you get yourself ready for a show as a singer or entertainer so that you can ensure you will have a good performance? Get yourself mentally and physically ready so that you will focus with confidence on a delivering a great performance. Rehearse your songs and their lyrics so that you have them memorized.

It doesn't hurt to allow yourself a cheat sheet to help you remember words of a song for your upcoming performance on stage. You have to memorize those words of a song thoroughly, and ideally they should be locked in your mind. Keep drinking water to keep those vocal cords moist and ready to help you sing your best and fill you with self-assurance.

If you want to develop singing skills, you need to find out what you sound like singing. Keep in mind that if you sing with orchestral background , learn how to sing with the background and work on difficult parts you have trouble with. Don't gloss over a viewpoint that someone has given you because you don't want to explore a new territory.

All great singers have something that makes them stand out, such as hand movements or stage presence or their ability to draw the crowd into their song. You'll have to find something that creates an allure to your voice. If you have a certain appearance that you're going for make sure it works for the crowd even when the lights are up.

There are some things that you should avoid before a performance such as straining your voice by yelling or shouting loudly. Your vocal cords can only take so much abuse before they begin to crack and then they won't work when you need them to. No matter how good a singer you are, your voice still has limits.

Avoid anything spicy or carbonated, you don't want to be embarrassed by a horrible sounding burp on stage. You should never drink alcohol before a performance, it dries out your throat and it will limit your performance. Drink some warm tea with honey or lemon as it will relax your throat.

Singers are often their own worst critic. Despite what a magazine or a review might say singers often take their talent and want to make it the best they can. Really good singers are often obsessed with their voices and take special care because they don't want to ruin their voice with a host of health problems.

If you want to get some positive results from your singing then start in a small setting where the audience is captive. You could sing at a karaoke bar or offer to sing at a friend's party where you get real feedback from people who might not know you but respect your craft, or you can also sing in church, which will help people to know that you have a good voice. If you read some of the biographies of singers they usually started out singing in a non-judgmental setting such as school plays, churches or Community Theater. - 15634

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