Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shine with a Genuine Gucci Purse

By Sakuragicho

Some of the most popular accessories are genuine Gucci handbags.

They are highly coveted by fashion-minded women who appreciate the value of designer accessories such as handbags and sunglasses.

Designer handbags, such as Gucci handbags, represent a status of wealth and style for many women

A designer handbag not only represents a certain kind of sophistication, but is also a great investment in any woman's wardrobe.

The market is saturated with knock-off designer bags, and can be found just about anywhere.

Women are spending hundreds of dollars buying these replica purses since they can't afford real ones that tend to cost thousands of dollars.

To these women, the knock-offs are as close as they can get to the original ones.

Replicas are sometimes so well made, they can be difficult to tell apart from a genuine piece.

However, those in the know are able to instantly spot the differences between actual brand name hand bags and the replicas.

Knock-offs in general, including imitation brand-name bags, are typically made in an excellent fashion.

The women who buy these items are quite satisfied with them since they almost look like the real thing and are quite long lasting.

However, if you put a fake purse alongside an authentic handbag, the authentic wins hands down.

Why is an authentic handbag a better item and a better value compared to the replicas?

Genuine designer purses are original creations of the designer.

In terms of being fashion-forward, owning a genuine designer item is key to being recognized as having superior style and sophistication.

Some view the originality of an authentic designer item as art in its purest form.

You can understand this by thinking about painted art: would you rather own an original Van Gogh or a printed poster?

Authentic bags, since they are viewed as true works of art, are collector's items that can increase in value over time.

While knock-off bags are nice fashion accessories and cheap, they still can't compare to the wonderful originals, be they new or used.

While knock-off purses may be designed to last a long time, they are still greatly overshadowed by their designer counterparts in terms of overall quality.

Moreover, it can be very uncomfortable to be spotted sporting a fake designer bag, so why even take the chance?

Women on the street will say to the carrier of a replica handbag, "What a pretty purse! But it's a fake, isn't it?"

However, the carrier of a genuine purse will garner many envious glances from all the women on the street that recognize the designer product for the real deal.

It might just be women's intuition, but a vast number of the female sex instinctively can tell a real from a fake handbag.

You don't have to be the most business-savvy person in the world to know you will get a great resale value if you own an authentic designer handbag.

Used knock-off Gucci handbags, as well as other knock-offs, can be found in stores everywhere.

Used authentic purses still command prices that are comparatively higher than other bags.

Many stylish women believe that it is better to own a genuine, if used, handbag as opposed to a knock-off. - 15634

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