Sunday, October 26, 2008

Songs That Make Weddings Ceremonies More Memorable

By Dane Masters

Almost everybody makes music a part of their wedding ceremony. It is a common practice to play music as the bridal entourage arrives and an exclusive song for the lady as she walks towards her future husband waiting at the altar. Then another song is performed following the official announcement of the couple's matrimony and this song is continuously played from the church to the wedding reception. Music that will be used for the ceremony does not have to be traditional. It can be anything that the couple chooses, especially songs that might have some memorable meaning for both of them.

As my fianc and I had to make a selection of songs that will be played in our wedding, I was positively sure I would like to march in another tune than "Here Comes The Bride". I clearly remember that as a child, we use to make fun of this song and add different funny lyrics into it. Besides, I want something distinct and upbeat. So we met with our organ player to discuss with her our choice of music for the wedding.

It came as a shock to me when my fianc who was normally unaffected by such things nor openly comments on a lot of matters suddenly became touchy regarding this decision. We listened to some of the wedding songs we were supposed to choose from and of course, the organist played that song.

When it came time for my husband and I to choose our wedding ceremony songs, I was sure I didn't want to use the usual "Here Comes The Bride" tune when I walked down the aisle. I had childhood memories of that song, which often included the addition of words that were not so flattering. I wanted something different. When it came time to choose our wedding ceremony songs, we decided to meet with the organist to choose some traditional songs there were fit for a wedding, but may not be as popular.

I cannot believe my eyes when I saw him crying real tears while saying that it has been his dream for them to be marching together down the isle with that song in the background. Of course, what can a girl do. If it meant so much to him to the point of crying, I had to change my defiant stance.

What happened next was really unexpected as my fianc felt so bad about my decision not to use this song that he actually cried. He said that he had often envisioned the two of us finally marching down the isle while that song is being played. Of course, my heart went out to him and I had to give in.

When it comes time for you to choose your wedding ceremony songs, you don't have to go with the traditional if you don't want to. You can find suitable songs all over the Internet, and your organist, pianist, or whoever may have suggestions for you in regards to wedding ceremony songs.

Do not rush your choices and it will be ideal if both of you can agree on the repertoire. Observe your fianc, as he might like a specific song included or is averse to a certain type of music, and you should, of course take his choices into consideration. - 15634

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