Saturday, October 25, 2008

Nintendo Wii Health and You

By D Grammer

Video game made their way into the market quite some time ago and are not going anywhere anytime soon. Video games have always had a lot to offer, including virutal escapes, as well as a multitude of other things. You can experience so many things like racing, treasure hunts, battles, and much more without leaving your home.

Therein was the biggest drawback of these systems as well: players never left the couch.

True, video games have always been heralded as refining hand-eye coordination, but the health benefits pretty much have always stopped there.

Which has doctors and players are both interested in the Nintendo Wii.

Unlike the other gaming systems, the Nintendo Wii has motion-sensor controllers. With the wide variety of games designed around virtual sports, the Wii may have the ability to offer a gaming an exercise experience in one.

Many games on the Nintendo Wii use the motion controls of the Wii controller. Players must actually interact with the game by literally performing the moves they want to complete. For example, in a normal game of baseball you would hit a button to make the player swing. But with the Wii, you actually swing the controller as if you were swinging a bat.

The result is a more vigorous gaming experience, both physically and mentally speaking.

The Nintendo Wii may not quite be on the same caliber as a full focused cardiovascular workout program, but it is a very good option for the serious gamers that spend a lot of time on the couch. Some of the best games to play on the Wii come in the Wii Sports package that comes with the Wii. Tennis ,baseball, golfing, and boxing are games of the Wii Sports package that all require physical activity to complete the game.

In summary, the Nintendo Wii has a design like no other that brings gaming to a whole new level. One which both players and doctors will like. - 15634

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