Saturday, October 25, 2008

Acne Outbreak: Who's to Blame?

By Amanda F. Penninger

Acne is never the chosen option, but far too many of us live with it on a day-to-day basis. It damages our self esteem, makes us work harder to make a good impression, and influences the way others see us. Acne never serves us, but what can we do to eradicate this enemy to healthy skin?

We think of acne as the outbreak of hormones during our teen years. This may carry some truth, but it does not explain why so many adults continue with acne outbreaks. There must be other causes, and it is only reasonable to think that by finding those causes we can find the solutions.

Can we point the finger at our westernized fast food diets? Most of us think there is truth in the expression: you are what you eat. What exactly is causing these skin eruptions? Is it sugar? Maybe it's the preservatives, additives, colorants, or the hydrogenated fats. We used to think chocolate was to blame, but even that theory doesn't fit.

There is the argument that acne is caused by bacteria, fungus, viruses, or other parasitic matter. If this is true it's not just a matter of kicking those freeloaders out, but also changing the environment that welcomed them in the first place. We have to look at our diet and toxicity in order to win the battle against acne caused by parasites.

Here we are, back at square one. Diet is the foundation of wellness and health. After all, you are what you eat. But what if you have not had the greatest diet? How do you get back on track with your wellness program? We can spin our wheels investing a lot of time and money to fix what is broken, or we can give our bodies the support and tools it needs to be strong and do the job it is designed to do.

What are some of the tools we can use to improve our health and wellness? There are many, and like any other areas of life there are some that work better than others. Clean water is one tool. Eating whole foods with minimal processing is another. Giving our body a good detox protocol is another great tool to help the body grow stronger.

One of the easiest tools that is available to us is called MMS. This is simply a solution of sodium chlorite, which is about the best water purifier in existence. Many have found this solution, used with an activator, has been useful in cleaning their fruits and vegetables as well as purifying their food prep spaces. Many use MMS in their detox protocol. MMS has been used successfully to treat malaria in third world countries.

Acne does not have to be the battle of a lifetime. We can fight back, and by recognizing the underlying causes we can also find the steps to take within our own lives to end our association with the blemishes that affect our outlook and our appearance. - 15634

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