Friday, October 31, 2008

Now You See It, Now You Don't - Body Shapers And Girdles

By Blondie

Don't you wish that there was a way to hide those problem areas, without being bunched up and completely uncomfortable? No longer do you have to worry, because you can take comfort in a new approach to body shapers, girdles and waist cinchers.

You're sure to believe in magic when you see Squeem lingerie's line of body shapers, girdles and waist cinchers. These gems can enhance what you already have, and hide or flatten what you do not want to be seen. A magical transformation will occur right before your eyes, without that unnecessary pinching or bunching that other shapers give you.

The term undergarments sometimes produces images of being uncomfortable or bound, but afap (as fashionable as possible) seeks to shatter that image with a vengeance. With free and flowing materials, this collection gives a very natural feel, while firming up the body. With a new, firm physique, you can feel free to take those sexy clothes out from the bottom of the drawer and head out for a night of fun. Feel feminine, fun and free with the perfect option in shapewear.

When wearing shapewear, feel dreamy both on the outside, as well as under your clothes. The Cette line gives a soft and highly comfortable approach to body shapers. Enjoy a pleasant experience in this material, making it so much less difficult to achieve the body of our dreams. These shapers will have you feeling great, both outside and in, while greatly improving your confidence, and comfort.

But what every woman wants to be reassured about is that her time of the month will be one of relaxation, and free of pain. Oreya has answered our prayers, because this line of magnetic panties will turn seven days of horror into a pleasure cruise. There is no need to suffer, and now you simply do not have to. Feel like the lady you are, without setbacks that nature often brings.

When choosing the right body shapers, girdles and waist cinchers, the main theme should always be comfort. Pretty does not have to mean painful, and with so many choices of pleasant fabrics and designs, that perfect figure will be yours in a matter of seconds. Highlighting curves, giving your bum a lift, or picking up those lovely bosoms are all made possible, and quite simply. Hey ladies, waist not, want not! - 15634

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Cellulite Laser Treatment: What You Should Know

By Mandy Adamsen

Many people are interested in knowing more about cellulite laser treatment. This is one of the newest modern ways of getting rid of cellulite. Does it really work? How does it work?

What It Is

Depending on who or which cosmetic clinic developed it, there are various types of laser treatment options. Essentially though, laser treatment for cellulite simply involves the use of low level laser light to break down fats. Cellulite is basically a kind of fat and is thus receptive to lasers. Once cellulite is broken down or liquefied, it can be eliminated easily from the body.

Combined Approach

Most of the time, laser treatment is used in combination with other approaches for getting rid of cellulite. One such approach is liposuction. Fats are first broken down with lasers. The liquefied fat is then sucked out using the liposuction canula. The fat that isn't suctioned will be flushed out of the body naturally.

Another method that makes use of laser treatment is Endermologie. Lasers are first applied on the fats to break them down and soften them before the massage rollers are used. This makes the movement of fat out of the body easier and faster.

Takes Time and Money

Before choosing to undergo cellulite laser treatment, you should know that you do have to spend a lot for it. This is especially true since you have to pay for liposuction and endermologie too. Moreover, some people may have to undergo more than just one session. That should add up to your expenses.

It's not a permanent solution. You should also know that even after treatment, cellulite may return. To prevent a recurrence of cellulite, you may have to discipline yourself not to eat foods that may increase your overall fat deposits and increase fat retention in the body. You may also have to maintain a regular exercise program to burn fats and tone your muscles.

Risks and Side Effects

Experts say that the lasers used for the removal of cellulite is so low level that complications and side effects are very rare. The accompanying procedures used with laser treatment however may have other more serious risks and side effects. In the hands of inexperienced practitioners, endermologie could result in bruising. Liposuction on the other hand might result in infections, bleeding, tissue damage and internal punctures. You reduce your risk of suffering from serious side effects and complications by getting the best and most experienced practitioners in their field. Of course, having the best may also mean that you would have to spend more.

One other serious risk is that you may not get exactly what you expect especially if you are not a perfect candidate for the procedure. This is why before you undergo treatment, your doctor will ask you to maintain realistic expectations. Even with the great amount of money that you would have to spend, there is no guarantee that you will get perfect results. Laser treatment may help improve your appearance but it may not give you a totally cellulite-free body. - 15634

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The Direct Matches Social Network Downline Builder

By Unique Article Wizard

What is the Unique Article Wizard and how does it Submit articles to Hundreds of Websites article blog review? Forget SEO "gurus", dangerous "Black Hat" tactics, and expensive PPC campaigns. You need only ONE stealth strategy to totally dominate your niche. This is it, and it is 100% legitimate. Go to the official Unique Article Wizard Websiteand see how this amazing service works.

Discover the hidden source of targeted website traffic that unearths eager buying customers, drives them straight to your site, and literally explodes your profits almost overnight.

Whether you are selling a product, promoting affiliate programs, or displaying Adsense or business advertising, the one thing you need is TRAFFIC and tons of it. Let me show you how you can get it.

Remember, even if you have Adsense sites, you still need "buying" visitors. If they are not in the mood to buy, they won't click on your adsense. What I am about to show you can will bring you hordes of such visitors.

How did I get a new website listed in both Google and Yahoo in under 10 days? Watch the Video Here (Warning: this is NOT a slick, professional, hard-sell presentation; just a real-time documentation of what happened.

I got most of this article from the UAW web site. I love Unique Article Wizard and what it does. It is powerful and works great for me! I promote many websites with UAW and I make a very generous profit. Thanks to UAW. You could get the same results. Go to the Unique Article Wizard Website and try it out. You can quit at any time. What do you have to lose. - 15634

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Sleep 8 Hours But Feel Tired?

By Susan Harris

Are you always tired? Do others report that you snore? Are you a tad or more overweight? If these are true, you may have sleep apnea.

If all these are true, don't wait! Sleep apnea could be shortening your life. Have your doctor prescribe a sleep study to find out whether you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where you are holding your breath and then gasping for air man times a night. Here's one reason why you shouldn't wait: it will shorten your life. You are at increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular disease including aneurism. Here's the other reason why you shouldn't wait: there's treatment.

In sleep apnea, the airway collapses during an intake breath. Fatty tissue lining the airway causes the airway to lose elasticity. At least a bit of excess weight is therefore generally necessary for sleep apnea to occur. Sufferers generally also snore.

After the airway closes, the oxygen level in the blood drops. Blood pressure shoots up. The sleeper struggles to breathe and begins to wake up. Returning to consciousness, the sleeper opens the airway, and the breath is completed. The sleeper falls back to sleep. The cycle begins again, perhaps many times per minute. Breath cessation for 10 seconds will bring you a diagnosis of sleep apnea.

The spiking blood pressure is what wears out the cardiovascular system. The semi-conscious effort is what deprives you of sleep.

You probably are not aware that you are holding your breath while sleeping. What is obvious to you is the tiredness that comes with it.

The sudden rise in blood pressure many times a night is what can kill you, by leading to heart disease or stroke.

What to do?

Effective treatment comes through a system that supplies mild air pressure to your nose and mouth as you sleep. This continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) system consists of a fan inside a box, a hose, and a mask. The fan pressurizes the air, delivered through the hose and mask to the nose and mouth. The pressurized air keeps your airway open as you breathe in, and isn't enough to prevent you from exhaling.

The nuisance that most people report about the CPAP is the mask: it can be uncomfortable. However, many suppliers are offering many masks these days. You can shop around.

The CPAP might limit your activities, too, because you always have to wear it, even if you are traveling or camping.

What about fan noise? It's actually a white noise, which may help you fall asleep.

Let's stack benefits against drawbacks. Without treatment, you risk early death. With it, you have to wear a mask when you sleep and locate an electric outlet. Which do you choose? - 15634

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What is Article Marketing the Unique Wizard Site Promotion Blog

By Article Marketing Tips

Welcome to my Article Marketing Tips Blog. This is the What is Article Marketing the Unique Wizard Site Promotion Article. With the advent of e-commerce and online internet marketing, article marketing has rapidly moved to the top of the list for internet marketing. Basically article marketing provides free content for website owners and operators. Google adsense offers one way these sites earn incomes off the content of these articles. It's a win win situation for both article authors and site owners. Not to mention that effective site content can drive search engine rankings higher.

Where do we put your articles? The websites where an author can post an article are known as blogs,ezines,free classified site, article directories and many more to say the least. I have nearly worn myself out in the past writing article after article and spending a considerable amount of money to get my articles about my business website on the internet. One thing for sure, I needed more traffic. Traffic that finds eager customers, sends them straight to my site, and gives my website more exposure. There are two ways to send articles to these sites mentioned above. We can do it manually to hundreds of sites like I mentioned above or have a article submitter servive do it for us. You decide. I prefer to use the Unique Wizard. It saves me time and money. My time is valuable to me.Click Here to visit the Unique Article Wizard Website and discover the power of article marketing as a tool to generate traffic to your sites. Not to mention the higher google search engine rankings!

Just recently I discovered the Unique Wizard. It is a excellent way to sell a product, promote affiliate programs, or display Adsense or other advertising. But most importantly you can promote your business website. You won't believe how easy it is to get your website very high on the search engines. It works for any type of online business. Small or Large this powerful marketing strategy can really help your personal business achieve higher publicity which translates into higher revenue.

All you have to do is write an article about your particular online website, submit it and repeat. How easy is that? Also, I might mention that there are links, formatted links, that point back to your personal website. Hundreds of links! Hundreds of links become thousands and tens of thousands over time. Will the search engines love you? You bet they will.

If this is going to be a long term advertising marketing campaign, you need an inexpensive service to promote your online website. I have found it with the Unique Article Wizard. Can you tell me any better strategy that can produce these kind of results? You want your articles on as many websites as you can. Unique Article Wizard currently submits to well over 3,000 directories, blogs and websites, with many more being added all the time and more in the future. Granted your articles will be submitted to relevant content catagories further enhancing the your online presence in the internet world.

Discover the secret source of targeted website traffic that will drive them straight to your personal or business site. Watch your website traffic explode! I love the Unique Article Wizard and the results I get promoting many websites. Unique Article Wizard also has a very generous affilliate program so you can earn more revenue in addition to promoting your websites. Don't you want the same results? My revenue pays for the service and than some! Take advantage of this opportunity. How would you like your personal business website get higher traffic? Get the UAW. I am glad I did and I know you will too. Click Here to get the Unique Wizard. - 15634

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Should You Really Buy Discount Jewelry Online?

By Louise Servage

Buying jewellery has always been expensive, even if you do manage to get a bargain it always seems more than you can afford. There are now a range of jewellery lines that are extremely affordable, what's more there are so many that you will be spoilt for choice.

There seems no other answer than yes when buying discount jewelry online. However does the cheap prices mean lesser quality? Well this isn't always the case but when shopping for discount jewelry online you should keep this in mind.

Discount jewelry online The Pros

If you buy discount jewelry online you will notice that there is a huge price difference between what's online and your local store. Buying online jewelry at these prices is probably a great draw to discount jewelry online.

A plus is that you can have the jewellery delivered. And if you don't have the time to go jewellery shopping then looking discount jewelry online will save you tons of time. It can ordered in advance of an occasion to be sure that it gets there on time. Does it all sounds perfect, so what's the catch?

The Downside of Online Purchases

Unfortuneately the downside to buying discount jewelry online is that you don't get to try it on until you have it delivered. Sometimes this can be too late and you see that it's really doesn't suit you or whomever you're giving the jewellery too.

The other downside to buying discount jewelry online is that you can't inspect the quality of the product before purchasing. This means you need to trust the seller is honest and has a commitment to the highest quality products.


One of the things that should be done before buying discount jewelry online is read the terms and conditions. Find out if it is possible to get a refund if you don't like the items when they arrive? Is there a clause somewhere that does not allow exchanges or returns? If this is the case you maw want to take your time.

If you are not sure how a piece of jewellery will look on you then you should try on similar pieces if possible. If you are buying a gift try and look at the pieces the person already has and find something in a similar style. There is nothing worse than buying a gift that clashes with a person's taste completely. - 15634

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Why Consuming Water Can Make You Thinner Quickly

By Ricardo d Argence

Achieving your desired weight is one of most difficult, and most satisfying projects you can undertake. In endeavoring to change your way of living, it can sometimes seem frustrating to count calories, measure potions, exercise, and to take vitamins along with other responsibilities of life.

One of the easiest ways to lose weight naturally is often overlooked. By simply drinking water, you can increase your dieting success and improve your overall well being. Water works wonders by working as an appetite suppressant, giving you a healthier glow, improving overall health, and improving your body's metabolism.

The success of weight loss with water can be attributed to its properties as a natural appetite suppressant. When you don't have enough water in your body, the signs of thirst are often confused with the signs of hunger. People will often reach for a snack when in fact they need a glass of water.

Generally, when you drink more water than you are used to drinking you may have to visit the bathroom more frequently, but don't let this stop you from drinking it. You are not consuming an excessive amount of water, but you are letting your body have a chance to get rid of the water that it has been holding onto when it was slightly dehydrated. Your problem areas, such as buttocks and legs, will trim down as soon as your body realizes it will receive enough water.

7-9 glasses of water is what the average person needs every day. Don't gulp it all down at once, because your body needs time to assimilate the liquid. The optimum approach is to have a glass during mealtime, and to continue to drink during the day.

Water has many more roles than just suppressing one's appetite. When it comes to liver function, the energy that you are getting from hormone and metabolic helps increase the fat that is being used. By staying hydrated, the salt-water balance in your body is at normal levels. This product revitalizes your skin and hair, boosts your muscles from flab to fab and helps with the symptoms of being dehydrated: headaches, a hard time concentrating, tiredness, irregularity, yellow urine and unkissable breath. One of the signs of dehydration is a dry tongue and foul smelling breath, caused by bacterial in your mouth.

Let me explain to you really quick, how water aids metabolism. When you are dehydrated, even slightly, your liver is unable to do its job. If the kidneys are deprived of water, the liver which converts stored fat to energy, will help it out. This results in a less efficient liver, which in turn causes your body to retain more fat. Maintain a water drinking plan until you can notice the good effects it has on you.

So, now that we have told you on the easiest secret a dieter should be aware of, go get that bottle and pour it to the top! The temperature is not important, just drink it. Once the weight loss plateau is hit this positive development will guide you over many bumps and you will begin to see your health in a new light. - 15634

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Is Kinetin Helpful In Anti Aging?

By Julie Samtsonn

When looking at various anti aging creams and anti wrinkle creams, there are different active ingredients that are commonly used; Retinol-based, Hydroxy acid based, Antioxidants, Copper peptides, Coenzyme Q10, or Kinetin. Anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle creams work on the basis of moisturizing new cell growth, while getting rid of the upper layer of dead, dry skin cells. In the case of Kinetin, it can sometimes be found in conjunction with an exfoliate, or by itself on the premise that the dead skin cells will eventually come off on their own and the new moisturized cells will emerge.

Kinetin is classified as a "super moisturizer" and is found natural in plants, as a plant growth hormone. It is the growth hormone in plants, that replenishes a broken or pruned branch with twice the growth it had before, therefore, it is like a healing compound. Many people will use Kinetin, in place of Retinol based treatments, because of side effects caused in some individuals by Retinol.

In cosmetics, Kinetin is often used in the form of coconut milk or aloe, or other plant derivatives. While Kinetin is believed to be a moisture retention agent found in anti aging creams and anti wrinkle creams, it's real benefits have been unproven. While skin treatments that advertise hydrating results, will naturally have an effect on dry skin cells, which will make skin appear dry, or aged and lacking a glow, Kinetin products will sometimes claim it is best used by persons in tropical type climates, where excessive moisturizing is needed and may be too much for persons not needing the excess moisture.

There have been advances in anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle creams, and not many products on the market are still touting the natural plant growth ingredient of Kinetin. Some of the products that previously used Kinetin are no longer being sold on websites and in stores, other than to exhaust product in inventory, so it may be found to not be effective as anything other than a moisturizer.

There are so many choices available in the world of skin care treatments. Some of the products available have staggering prices but are not necessarily more effective than the cheaper items that are on sale. It is best to do research on the options that might work best for you. Of the anti-aging creams, a lot of them keep the skin hydrated and retaining moisture. This is where Kinetin would fit in, but whether or not the product's price is competitive with other similar creams and treatments could be the deciding factor.

Kinetin is still a good treatment choice that is used in UV over exposure treatments, it is also a good choice for anybody needing a natural chemical treatment instead of stronger chemicals. Because it is being phased out of anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle creams could indicate that it is not as effective as competing products. However, some people who have more sensitive skin, see it as the option they need. - 15634

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Will I be Able to Keep Muscle While I Lose Body Fat?

By Ricardo d Argence

It is true, you may lose body fat and maintain your muscles! However it does take commitment and it does take a lot of work. Before you start any type of weight loss program, you must be committed and also set realistic goals. If you do not, than you are setting yourself up for failure. So make a firm decision to do it and don't give up.

In order to lose fat and maintain muscle mass, just drink water! Think of your body as an automobile, without water or fluids that lubricate, you would get no where. Water is vital to your existence, and it flushes out your system, while refreshing your body. Muscle, especially, will not grow without it. Drink at least a gallon of water or more a day. You should always have it on hand no matter where you are.

One of the best ways to achieve your bodybuilding goals is to eat healthy foods in small servings 5 or 6 times throughout the day rather than 3 big meals. In order for your metabolism to work as effectively as possible while burning calories. Talk to your doctor before making any major changes in your diet.

Reducing your calorie intake at 150 to 200 in the beginning of your diet is recommended. Later on, you can reduce more as necessary. Your energy productivity and reflection will be your best guides. Your diet must contain 50% protein to maintain and build muscle, 40% carbohydrates as fuel for your body, and 10% for long term energy reserves if you want to remain healthy.

Work out early in the day for maximum benefit. You burn the most fat and build the most muscle in the morning, so it's the ideal tim to workout.

This exercise should be done in succession to achieve the best results. Two build muscles and the other burns fat. The optimum way to keep up is to do cardio workouts one day and then weight train the next day.

Maintain short focused cardiovascular workouts with one 30 minute or two 15 minute sessions three to four times a week. To avoid injury you should always use those time periods to warm up or cool down. You may want to consider scheduling cardio workouts when you are not weight training.

Weight training three to four days weekly should alternate with your cardiovascular workouts days. You can build muscle mass by weight-training for an hour while concentrating on one or two muscle groups each session.

In most cases resistance training in short sessions for several days each week has proven to be the most beneficial when focusing on a small number of muscle groups. If you do choose to do two or three heavy sets of exercises, try to keep your workouts to a minimum of thirty or forty-minutes. You may want to keep the number of repetitions lower in order to avoid overload for growth.

Drinking lots of water, eating right, and alternative your workout sessions are some of the ways you can build muscle and burn fat. - 15634

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All About Eco Friendly Bras

By Tiffany Hart

The hot trend these days is to go green to support the environment. From driving hybrid cards to putting up solar panels and buying energy efficient appliances, everything is green. Still, should a line be drawn in the sand somewhere?

In the mad rush to go green, more and more product areas are turning in a way that really makes you wonder. Undergarments for women are one such area. Specifically, now brands are coming out with green brassieres.

Just what is green? Most people picture unwashed hippies dancing to the Grateful Dead. When it comes to products, however, this is not really true. It all comes down to the materials used in making the product, not the appearance per se.

With the popularity of the green movement, it can be easy to forget what exactly green is. It simply refers to the use of materials that limit the harm to the environment. Switching from latex and plastic to organic cotton bras can be an easy switch.

You can even go green by looking for bras with brassieres made from bamboo. Bamboo can be refined down into a cotton like material. Looking for a brand? La Senza offers them online and in stores.

Perhaps one of the odder pairings of lingerie and Mother Nature comes to us from Triumph International. The Japanese company has found a unique way to recycle the 20 plus billion chopsticks thrown away every year.

The chopstick bra is undoubtedly one of the stranger green products ever created. The bra has rice bowl shaped cups and uses old sticks refined down as supporting pieces. The company even provides two chopsticks with the bra.

On a more personal note, Triumph has also come up with the anti-smoking bra. Huh? The company claims the bright silver bra has a fragrance in it that is emitted from time to time and keeps you from inhaling. Interesting, no?

Back on the environmentally friendly front, Triumph is putting out the infamous solar bra. With little solar panels on it, you can charge your IPod and so on. Ah, but there is one small problem. Can you guess it?

You do not have to know much about solar energy to understand the problem. Simply put, the sun must hit the cells to charge them. This means you need to go shirtless to get a charge. Ah, the ideas of mice and men.

Strange bras are good to discuss and look at, but not to wear. Fortunately, going green simply requires you to switch from microfiber materials to organic cotton. Hey, you can get comfort and be green at the same time. - 15634

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Unsuccessful in Direct Matches Spider Web Monavie MLM Business?

By Todd Schuyler

Welcome to my Unsuccessful in Direct Matches Spider Web Monavie MLM Business? Blog Article. What is MLM anyways? Multi-level marketing or MLM, also known as '''Network Marketing''', is a business-distribution model that allows a parent company to market its products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and direct selling.

Independent, unsalaried salespeople of multi-level marketing, thereby referred to as distributors or associates, independent business owners, dealers, franchise owners, sales consultants, consultants, independent agents, etc., represent the parent company and are awarded a commission based upon the actual volume of product sold through each of their independent businesses organizations.

The MLM business can easily double or triple your cash flow. Provided that you do not fall first in either one of the common mistakes done by error-prone MLM business producers and distributors. You need the proper training, tools and mentors to help you succeed. For more information and to get tips and products to help your MLM business succeed CLICK HERE.

Have a well-established commitment to work and duty. There is no better time to start moving than now. Product distributors must attend to their respective assignments. One cannot make the MLM business grows by just merely looking casually at it.

Be committed to your work. Take the time to pinpoint your MLM business weaknesses so you can catch-up for any committed mistakes. Direct Matches and the Spider Web Marketing Systems are examples of good business opportunities. If you work at it and build relationships with your clients you can achieve residual income online.

You don't have to be Unsuccessful in your Direct Matches Spider Web Monavie or any MLM Business? If you want more information on these or other make money online systems or products CLICK HERE. - 15634

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The Color of Maine Lobsters Exposed

By Sherry Shantel

What is greenish-brown or black in nature and is loved by many? Don't know? Another hint, one out of every 30 million of them has a blue shell when they are born. Still don't know? This would be the Maine lobster.

Contrary to what many believe, lobsters don't commonly have a red shell. If you see one with black holes or marks on it, that is a sign of wear and tear. The marks are not harmful.

The color of a lobster's shell does not affect its flavor or its texture. When cooked, all of the color pigments except for the red are hidden. That is why when you have completely cooked the lobster, it takes on the beautiful red hue.

If you cook a lobster longer than needed, the meat will be tough. When you cook it properly, it is creamy white in color. The antennae are removed easily.

The red contents in the tail section are the roe, or female eggs. This is considered a delicacy, like caviar. The green matter is located at the section of the body and tail and is called tomalley, the liver, and has a peppery taste. This is used in various recipes.

It is not recommended to eat the tomalley on a regular basis. As with other animals, the contaminants oftentimes settle in the liver. So, it is best to not eat this too often.

Main lobsters are delicious and nutritious! Remember, go light on the butter. This seafood has less calories, saturated fats, and calories than that of lean beef, pork, or skinless chicken. Lobster provides a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These have shown to reduce hardening of the arteries and the risk of heart disease.

Maine lobster will make any occasion a special time for celebrating. Maine lobster is sweet, succulent, and delicious. Remember, looking for fresh Main lobsters? Don't look for something that is red to begin with, look for the lobsters that are greenish-brown orblack to be sure of getting the Maine lobster that you are sure to enjoy! - 15634

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Vineyards of Washington State

By Penelope SanMateo

Joining the growing number of wineries in the nation Washington has seen a 400 percent increase in the number of wineries in the past decade. With this increase has come the ability to buy great wines from this beautiful region that will satisfy the most discriminating taste.

Modern technology has made the process of making wine more sophisticated but the talent to produce great wine is all in the hands of the vintner who uses skills developed over generations of great wine makers sharing their knowledge to have some of the best wines now available at the wineries in Washington.

No, you aren't in France in the region of the great Bordeaux and Burgundy wines, you are in Washington where the same latitude applies to give the same great growing ability for the grapes to produce fabulous wine. Many of the areas of Washington have been designated as American Viticulture Areas with more under consideration.

No crowds, no hurry, no pressure. Isn't that what a vacation should be? You will experience the peace and pleasure of great countryside and great wine on a wine tour in Washington. Find the wine you like by going to the wine tastings offered by the different wineries. Find a great place to stay while in the area and make it the most relaxing and enjoyable vacation you have ever taken.

Full bodied reds and dry whites are both available at the wineries in Washington. Try them all, pick your favorite and enjoy the beauty of the state while you travel from winery to winery.

It's swirling, sniffing and slurping time when you get a good glass of wine. Swirl the beautiful wine in your glass to get the full color beauty and incorporate some air into the wine. Now it's time to sniff, what a pleasure to smell the wonderful fragrance the wine gives off. With slurping you get the air mixed with the wine to bring out the full flavor of the choice you have made. Just remember to slurp gently and quietly, it still works and doesn't drive your guests or family mad with the noise.

If just 1% of the wine grapes of Washington are grown on the eastern side of the Cascades then you would think that it was a poor area for wine growers. In fact, it is a great area where the soil is right, the climate perfect and the growing season long to provide fully ripened, fruit flavored grapes with good acid levels and pleasing aromatics. This area will certainly become more of a draw to vintners in the time to come.

The French, Italians and Germans began planting wine grapes in the state as early at 1825 for their own use when they were settling the area. Commercial planting of wine grapes didn't being in Washington until the 1960's with rapid expansion of the industry occurring in the mid-70's. Now there are new wineries opening every couple of weeks for your enjoyment. - 15634

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How To Copy Wii Games - The Easy Way To Copy Wii Games

By Scott Frayburn

There's no question that the Nintendo Wii has taken the video game industry by storm. It was nearly impossible to find one this past Christmas and the units continue to fly off the shelves. Recently, we have received a lot of emails from people wondering how they can copy Wii games right on their computer.

It's a good question and one that we thought we would answer in this brief article. We want to show you exactly how to copy Wii games directly from your home computer.

Most of you have probably burned a CD or possibly even a DVD before. This type of burning software is automatically included with almost all computer systems now. However, it won't make copies of your video games.

The reason for this is that video game discs have "copyright protection" guards on them that prevent these programs from being able to read the discs. When you insert the disc into your computer, it doesn't "make sense" to your PC.

Fortunately, there are companies that have designed specialized software that will allow you to copy Wii games. This software uses technology that "knocks-out" the copyright protection used on the game discs and allows your computer to understand the disc.

So how does it work?

Thankfully, it's not complicated whatsoever. You insert the game disc into your disc drive and your computer will make an "image" of the disc on your computers hard drive. Afterwards, you simply insert a blank disc and the software will burn this exact image onto it. You are then left with a perfect copy for you to use whenever you want.

Not only will this software let you copy Wii games, but you can also make copies of XBOX 360, PS3 and all types of games. This way you don't have to buy a new program if you have more than just the one game system.

Being able to copy Wii games is a great way to make backup copies of any game you want. This way you are protected if you ever damage or lose a game of yours. - 15634

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How do you pick the best MLM software for your online business?

By Todd Schuyler

With so many MLM softwares out there already, how do you choose the one that is best for you? Choose a highly reputable vendor. There are many fly-by-night software companies that make many claims of experience, know how and MLM software gadgetry. Unless you are willing to put your business at risk, choose a vendor that has a proven track record. Click Here to visit a very reputable software company with products to boost your MLM sales.

Track records are built over many years of working with Direct Selling companies, not just selling a software package a few times. Check out at least six references. Remember that vendors will be eager to provide only their best references. You might be surprised to find a different story when you call different companies not included in the reference list.

Check out the MLM software company's office. You not only choose the MLM software but also choose the vendor's support services. If the vendor is not able to provide support services acceptably, what will you do when you need to change your compensation plan or add a new input field to the order entry screen?

Remember that there is only one constant among all MLM companies; they constantly change things. And your MLM software will need to be changed as well. At the vendor's office, meet the vendor's people that will service you. See what kind of people they are and how long they have worked for the vendor. Be willing to pay for experience and competence. You are paying far less in the long run.

Avoid small MLM software companies. Small software companies, to compete with larger established firms, must offer software at bargain prices. This often puts them on shaky financial ground during their most critical years. Companies that are trying to save money by purchasing an MLM software from these small software houses find themselves virtually abandoned later on when they need assistance. The problem is that servicing one highly successful client can consume virtually all of the human resources of a small software company leaving the other clients out in the cold.

The more deadly problem is that smaller companies tend to go out of business without warning. If you value your business, stay away from the small vendors and stick to those that have staying power and a long track record. Buy an MLM software package that allows you to create your own reports. Many packages force you to live only with those reports they put on the menus. Managers must resort to running large reports to answer small questions or concerns instead of small exception reports on demand. Small exception reports can be reviewed quickly and accurately. Compare features.

MLM software is designed to handle specific business issues and often has a great deal of difficulty dealing with matters outside the original design. It's difficult to force a software to do things it was never intended to do. Wise computer buyers compare features and capabilities, side by side, of one package to another. Ask the vendor which features they consider are unique to their package compared to others.

Remember that you are not just buying a computer; you are buying a complete package. It will include software, expertise, emergency support services, programming services, and starting a long-term relationship. Choose your MLM software vendor wisely. Do not be tempted to penny pinch in the computer area. If you do, you may cripple your chances for success. Click Here to get an Amazing Software Suite Package that is having a incredible special price offer. It can give you tremendous sales and leads for your MLM online home business. - 15634

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Tips to Pick the Right Doctor for Liposuction Surgery

By Victoria Rowde

Liposuction surgery may not be as dangerous, time consuming and serious as other surgical procedures. It doesn't mean though that it is 100% safe. Most of the time, your choice of a doctor to perform the procedure is the key to a safe and effective procedure. Here are some things that you should know about liposuction doctors.

Where and Who

Liposuction surgery may be done in the hospital although doctors are allowed to perform it in a surgery center, in an outpatient section of the hospital or in a clinic. Most liposuction procedures are conducted by dermatologists or surgeons but the truth is, any doctor can conduct liposuction surgery. There are no special requirements or trainings required by law for this kind of surgery. This means that the effectiveness and your experience of the procedure will depend on your doctor's ability.

The Doctor's Role

Aside from being the person who will suction your fats, your doctor should also be the first person to assess everything about you and your liposuction surgery. Your doctor should assess your medical history and your present state of health. He should also take a closer look at the extent of the condition of your fat deposits and the condition of your skin. Most of all, your doctor should be able to determine the best liposuction surgery technique for your unique condition. In other words, your doctor has the responsibility for determining your fitness as a candidate, the fitness and safety of a procedure and the appropriateness of emergency precautions and procedures.

Dangers of Having the Wrong Doctor

Experts may be quick to undermine the risks factors of liposuction surgery as it does not have as many casualties as other more serious medical surgeries. You could however, be the rare one in a million casualty in the hands of an incompetent doctor. Accidents such as excessive bleeding, organ punctures, tissue injury and chemical toxicity could happen.

How to Pick the Right Doctor

Here are some tips in picking a doctor to conduct your liposuction surgery procedure to ensure your health and safety:

- A good surgeon should have a clean clinic and environment where he will conduct liposuction surgery. A reputable doctor will not be afraid to give you a tour of the facilities as well as give explanations about the equipment for the procedure. His clinic should also be near emergency medical facilities in case of an accident. If you are not sure about your doctor, look for a doctor in a reputable hospital or medical facility.

-Make your own basic research about liposuction. Although you may never be as good as your doctor in understanding the procedure, your knowledge may be able to help you formulate the right questions for your doctor to answer.

- Do not approach only one doctor. Scout or interview several doctors before selecting the best one. It would be better if you could actually get several recommendations from qualified individuals you can trust. Your general practitioner for example may have a good idea where to find the best doctors in the field of liposuction surgery.

- Conduct a background check on a doctor's history and qualifications. Although any doctor may perform liposuction surgery, common sense should tell you that it is best to go for a licensed surgeon. He should at least be a graduate of an accredited medical school and is certified by organizations for surgeons. It is also better if he has had some special training in liposuction. - 15634

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Remove Moles At Home by the Natural Treatment

By Aaron Lilly

Mole can make you look beautiful if you have it as a spot on your face which makes you different from the others, but when they are in a bunch they make you very different from the rest and this makes you to cover them with make up.

Moles are very common and can appear anywhere on the body. Moles are skin cells overgrowth; cells appear as cluster rather than spreading over the skin. Moles can be caused by age, skin exposure to sun, hormonal disorders and in some cases can be hereditary as well.

Moles can appear at birth or develop with time and they can vary in size, shape, color and can appear alone or grouped. Moles can be skin colored or brown and range to black in color. Majority of moles are harmless skin lesions and are not cancerous, but if moles are painful and itchy they may have developed into melanoma or look suspicious, these could be cancerous and immediate action has to be taken to remove them.

When skin is exposed to sun or by genitival variation moles can appear. The pigment generating melanocytes present in cells of the skin should be evenly spread over the body, if these are produced in excess they will lead to moles. The cause for skin cancer is when these moles formed by excess melanocytes get larger in size or leak. Then moles are dangerous to be ignored.

Removal of moles can be done in three different surgical treatments. A dermatologist would suggest the treatment depending on the size, color and shape of the mole you have, they are best to determine the moles suspicious for cancer. The surgical treatments for mole removal are stitching the skin, excision of moles by burning the moles, the last is Laser treatment where laser beam is passed through the skin and the moles are removed from the root.

Being under the knife of the dermatologist has become very common recently. The charge for mole removal is approximately $125 per visit to the dermatologist. Usually when you are undergoing mole removal surgery the skin around the mole is also removed to stay away from melanoma. These surgeries leave behind the stitches or burns, which takes months for curing. - 15634

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Karaoke Songs During Live Performances - Song Selection

By Nellie Hasburn

The largest decision that any karaoke singer has to make for karaoke is what song they should attempt on stage. There are literally thousands of tracks available with most karaoke sets, so it can be intimidating searching through the big book of songs, but if you keep in mind a few tips it will make your night simpler, and provide as much enjoyment as possible.

First, it is fundamental to only select songs that you can sing well and befits your vocals. Whether it is your 1st time or 101st time, you have to ascertain that you can reach at least majority of the notes you need. If you have a deep voice, there is no point of opting music stars like Celine Dion or Whitney Houston, and the same goes for high-pitch voices; Barry White should be out of the question. Instead choose karaoke tracks that accommodate within your vocal range, and that way instead of worrying about if you can hit that powerful note coming up, you will be able to relax and just savor the song.

Choosing the proper karaoke song also depends on what you are getting up stage for. If you are with acquaintances, and looking at getting up as a group for a bit of fun, it is wise to choose an up-tempo song that fits your mood instead of a weak ballad. If you are a regular, and want to take something a bit more challenging, there is nothing incorrect in choosing a slower song if you can address it.

If you're celebrating an adult / older folks birthday with a karaoke party. You need to acknowledge what songs to choose. Do your homework. You don't want to pick out any old karaoke song; you want to take karaoke music that arouses a sensation of nostalgia. Ascertain what songs were best-selling when the party honoree grew up. Your easiest bet is to identify the top 10 songs of each year or decade and build your playlist round those karaoke tracks.

But a little point to think about most karaoke bars is that most individuals are out to have a great time, so picking out a slow and gloomy song that does not truly fit the ambiance of the room can have drastic consequences.

In Conclusion, when choosing your karaoke song it is advisable to find a song with a melodic line and words that you are at least familiar with. You do not have to recognise every song you get up stage for off by heart (thats why the TVs are there to aid you) but choosing a karaoke track that you have listened more than once or twice will give you a bit more assurance in singing on stage. - 15634

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fine Jewelry Watches By Christian Dior

By Sakuragicho

Christian Dior watches are crafted at the La Chaux-de-Fonds workshops in Switzerland.

These watches are of exquisite taste and elegance and represent a quest for innovation.

Dior watches are a subsidiary of LVMH (Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton) and is the combination of the artistic talents of John Galliano, Victoire de Castellane, and Hedi Slimane.

Since 1999 Victoire de Castellane has proven his talents as Artistic Director of Dior Joaillerie.

From her incredible unmatched innovative craftmanship, she was hand selected to create the first jewelry watch collection for Dior watches.

The Chiffre Rouge series has only been in existence due to the hand creation of Hedi Slimane of the first masculine watch from Dior.

Just launched this fall is the gorgeous Dior Christal designed by John Galliano.

There are many collections of watches available from Christian Dior including: Bagheera, Chiffre Rouge, Dior Christal, Dior Homme Black Time, La Baby D De Dior, La D De Dior, Malice, Chriatian Dior Riva, and Chriatian Dior Riva M Sparkling.

Models of Special Christian Dior Watches.

Bagheera CD092110M001- this is a series exclusive designed for ladies.

The conventional stainless steel bracelet and the diamond indexes endows the watch with a feminine look and sensuous style has a universal appeal for the urban woman.

Chiffre Rouge CD084510M001- is the first automatic watch for men launched by Dior.

The standard stainless steel case which enshrines the pristine purity of its design and the geometrical symmetry accents its masculinity.

Christal CD114315M002, a 16 diamond with an unidirectional rotating sapphire bezel, has a dial that is set in a white mother-of-pearl.

One of the most alluring watches in the collection has a stainless steel bracelet with beautiful pink sapphire ranks.

Malice Dior Logo Flowers CD052110A028- with a mother-of-pearl dial this limited edition series comes in a beautiful stainless steel case.

The aesthetics of this watch go in perfect harmony with the textile band of the watch, making for an elegant look. - 15634

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Salon Hair Care Products vs. Cheap High Street Hair Products

By Jennifer Summers

If you pride yourself on having clean and healthy looking hair, looking after your locks is a top priority. So using good shampoos, conditioners and hair care products on your hair is important. But when it comes to price and the quality of hair care products, how do you know which hair products to use?

High street products seem much more affordable and therefore giving you better value for money because of the low cost of high street hair products. Branded premium salon products can appear pricey with the average 300ml shampoo bottle priced at 5 times the cost ($20/GBP10) of a regular high street shampoo ($4/GBP2).

Comparing these prices it seems as if the high street products are better value at about a fifth of the price of salon professional hair care products, giving the impression that they are much better value for money, because you would be getting 5 times the amount of product as you would compared with professional salon hair products.

When you look more closely at the comparison between the effectiveness and the quality of high street hair products and salon hair products, does the comparison end up in the favour of cheap hair care products, or do the cheaper high street products turn out to be a false economy?

To find out whether the premium brand salon hair products provide better value for money in both the short and long term when compared to cheap high street hair care products, we decided to test them to find out the real truth about hair products, and whether the high street products are as good a deal as they initially appear.

For our test we compared a 300ml bottle of professional salon shampoo and compared that with a 300ml bottle of your average cheap high street shampoo. To achieve the our required standard of cleaning, the professional salon shampoo needed just 10ml per application to achieve this standard, whereas the cheap high street shampoo needed 50ml per application to achieve the same standard of cleaning.

Using 50ml per application, the average high street hair shampoo provides approximately 6 applications per 300ml bottle. With just 10ml used per application, the professional salon hair shampoo gives you around 30 applications per 300ml bottle. Doing a little math, the cost per applications are $0.64c/GBP0.32p for the cheap high street shampoo, and $0.66c/GBP0.33p for the salon professional shampoo.

Result: although the high street shampoo appears to be better value, in truth there is very little difference in cost compared to the professional hair shampoo. The professional shampoo is of much higher quality and more effective in cleaning your hair. Buying cheap high street hair shampoo is a false economy. Q? Why would you want to use an inferior product on your hair? - 15634

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History of MythBusters

By Amy Nutt

What is MythBusters? MythBusters is a television show that was originally produced for the Discovery Channel in the US but has recently begun being broadcast in other countries, including the UK and Australia. The show is dedicated to proving or disproving urban legends, Internet rumors, news stories, and various other myths using the scientific method.

The format of the show consists of testing several myths each episode using science. First, the show's team attempts to re-create whatever situation occurs in the myth. Generally, objects must be constructed to properly re-create the situation, and this occurs in the team's workshops. Frequently, re-creation of the myths includes spectacular effects, such as explosions.

Results of the myth re-creation are then measured to determine whether there is a scientific explanation for the event. The myth is then classified as 'Busted,' 'Plausible,' or 'Confirmed.'

MythBusters Hosts The original team of MythBusters cast included Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. Both men have a background in visual effects. Savage is a special effects and industrial design engineer and an educator and actor. Hyneman is an expert in visual effects and owns an effects workshop called M5 Industries, which is where much of the show's work occurs.

In the beginning of the show, Hyneman is reported to have felt he was not interesting enough to host the show alone. Savage was brought on as a co-host. Part of the early and continuing appeal of MythBusters comes from the dynamic between these two team members. Typically, Hyneman is the straight man to Savage's funny guy.

The narration of the show is provided by Robert Lee, but in the UK and other areas, he is sometimes replaced by a local narrator.

Creation of the MythBusters 'Build Team' Originally, most of the staff at M5 Industries remained off camera, but as the show progressed, a few staff members become part of the MythBusters team. Eventually, three of these staff members created a MythBusters team of their own, called the 'Build Team.' The 'Build Team' originally consisted of Tony Belleci, Kari Byron, and Scottie Chapman.

Belleci is a builder on the show and is considered by his team members to be a risk-taker, performing a few of the most dangerous stunts. Byron is an artist and became part of the show by persistently appealing to Hyneman for a job at M5 Industries. Chapman, noted for her tattoos, is a metal worker and left the show after season 3. She was replaced by Grant Imahara, who often makes robots need for the show.

The 'Build Team' now works in its own workshop, called M7. Each episode of the show is divided between the original team and the 'Build Team.'

Other Cast Members The show has also included other cast members from time to time. For instance, the show included two interns or 'mythterns' for a period of time. These interns were contest winners and are no longer on the show.

Additionally, the team is supplemented by experts that appear when a Mythbusters episode requires their input. One of these experts was folklorist Heather Joseph-Witham, who appeared on camera for much of the first season. Other experts include firearms specialists, rocketry specialists, FBI agents, and others.

Not all members of the MythBusters team are human. In fact, a very important role is played by 'Buster,' the show's crash test dummy. Due to the fact that he has been used in many extreme situations, Buster has been repeatedly rebuilt and repaired. The cast act as if Buster is a living human being, which is a running joke on the show. - 15634

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Tips to Design a Healthy Fast Weight Loss Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

The biggest difference in dieting for special events can happen in the last few days prior to the event. Dedication and hard work are needed in the next few days but it will be worth it in the end.

With all quick weight reduction systems, the thing that actually burns fat isn't a supplement or a kind of food item. It is the major reduction in calories in combination with exercise. To determine how many calories you burn in a day, try out the Daily Calorie Needs Calculator.

In order to lose at least one pound each week, you must consume 500 less calories than you actually burn in a 24 hour period. For faster weight loss, you will lose two pounds a week if you burn 1,000 more calories per day than you consume.

Foods that can cause you to temporarily gain water and bloat should be avoided. Skipping fried and salty foods, will decrease the amount of water retention.

Make sure to eat small amounts throughout the day in place of three larger meals. Consuming fewer calories more often lets your body use calories more efficiently without converting them into fat storage. Eating snacks and drinking a lot of water is a good way to avoid hunger between meals.

Be careful, the dangers of quick weight loss is growing as you are on diet long. Consistently eating a diet that has no protein can be unsafe.

Extreme caloric restriction is not a good choice, but with a healthy person . it probably won't hurt you if it is done for only a brief period of time. Before changing your eating habits, it's important to discuss it with your physician and make sure to add protein.

Also, remember that crash diets rarely help you achieve a sustained, healthy weight. Most people put the pounds right back on.

People that are trying to lose weight quickly usually do it on their own. Often goals are for a quick fix to fit in a new outfit for a special occasion or with the approaching of summer to look better in a little less clothing.

So many marketers promise fast weight loss and it's difficult to sort through them all. They make their claims freely, usually with no research or proof that their products work. Do your research, read books and magazines, and get into a diet only if you have enough information or the help of a professional. - 15634

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From Karaoke Singing To Super Stardom In 8 Steps

By Jas Coleman

It genuinely does not matter where you are round the world, whenever you are in a karaoke bar there are a superior group of individuals that get up and wow the crowd.

So what are the mystical tips you require to become the star of the show?

1. It is of critical importance to have a good song selection
Many people choose a karaoke track that is very popular or one that will win over the crowd notwithstanding is that the better method to select your karaoke track? Choosing a song which you love rather than what you believe the audience will love will raise vastly distinct effects.

2. Discover your banquet song
In Hong Kong its known as your banquet song, in Japan its your Juhachiban, but it all means 1 thing; your theme song karaoke track. Having one karaoke track that you know well, and meets your vocal range is the ideal way to genuinely glow on stage.

3. Know your bounds
Whether it you are just starting out in karaoke, or have spent a number of years at your favourite karaoke bar, the better point is know and realise your limits. By acknowledging your boundaries on karaoke songs and originally remaining within your reach will give you the confidence to attain flawlessness.

4. Constantly have a backup plan
Everyone who has leaped on stage can remember the one time they felt they failed in their karaoke track choice. Even the professionals you develop for years have sorry nights on stage, so do not take it to heart. The better advice is to consider what you can do to avoid it in the future.

5. Don't allow the crowd / audience to concern you

The biggest reason why people dont want to get up on stage is the fear of singing out aloud in public. The greatest means of surmounting your fear is to shut your eyes and envisage that you are singing at home. That way you will sing from your heart and you'll see the audience get into it.

6. Practise makes perfect
To make the jump from just a novice at the karaoke saloon to someone who wows the crowd is practice. By doing so, not only will you be more assured in knowing the words and feeling of your song, but you will have a lot more confidence in singing it in front of masses.

7. It pays to invest in karaoke dvd discs
Practising at home is a superb way to perfect your singing technique, but the easiest way to grow your voice is to purchase your personalised karaoke machine. Purchasing your own machine along with a number of karaoke Cd Discs will mean you will feel comfortable around one, and will teach you how to perform your best.

8. Be unwound and enjoy
The key to good karaoke singing is to have a true love for karaoke singing. If you are trying too hard, or finding it daunting that you are not developing quicker than you thought, simply go back to the basic karaoke song and discover the difference in your style.

Always remember, the average karaoke crowd is not anticipating for a ideal vocalist. They will love it if you show that you're also having fun. - 15634

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Greasy hair causes, treatment, and best greasy hair products

By Jennifer Summers

Greasy hair never seems to stay fresh and clean, and can look heavy and flat. Within a few hours of shampooing it refuses to stay full and light and it takes on a stringy appearance. Along with looking oily, greasy hair can appear lifeless, lank and dull. Does this sound familiar to you? Do you ask yourself "why is my hair greasy?" Even if they wash it everyday, others can judge that the sufferer does not wash their hair frequently and doesn't have good hygiene. This can cause much social embarrassment.

The grease found in hair is called sebum and is oil that is produced natural by the body. Each of the hairs on your head has a gland called the sebaceous gland immediately under the skin, this gland produces sebum. Oil in greasy hair protects each strand form split ends and dryness, and is in fact a sign of healthy hair. Sebum is made as lubrication for the skin and hair, providing a protective barrier and preventing drying. Sebum is the body's own natural moisturizer.

Greasy hair is actually an excess of sebum in hair which is a result of overactive sebaceous glands over-producing sebum, stimulated by hormones known as androgens. Although they are present in both men and women, androgens are male hormones and are higher in men. Androgens do two things: One, they increase the size of sebaceous glands in the skin. Two, they cause the sebaceous glands to increase the production of oil.

Fluctuating hormones can cause greasy as hormones play a part in sebum production. Greasy hair is most common in women because of either pregnancy or monthly cycle, older women going through the menopause, and teenagers experiencing puberty. Stress can be a contributory factor in greasy hair as it is known to affect hormones levels. People with fine hair on their head may experience excessive greasy hair as they have more hair follicles and more sebaceous glands producing more sebum.

There are several external causes of greasy hair. Washing your hair too frequently can cause more sebum to be produced as frequent washing can strip the hair of oils, to combat this sebaceous glands excrete sebum. Sebaceous glands can be stimulated through vigorous scrubbing of the hair and scalp while washing. Touching your hair can also stimulate sebaceous glands, along with vigorous hair brushing which carries oil throughout the hair. The over-use of styling products can cause hair to look greasy as the products can build-up at the roots. Everyday environmental pollutants can also cause hair to look greasy.

There are also several internal causes to greasy hair as well. Along with changing hormone levels, a major cause of greasy hair is the food you put inside of you, i.e. you diet. Western diets are usually much greasier, containing more fat. They are usually processed, containing many additives, and typically are higher in fat and sugar. The high fat content of the diet increases oil in the skin which can lead to greasy hair. The meat in a Western diet often contains some hormones, and these hormones can add to the levels of unbalanced hormones. Greasy hair can also be a sign of a diet that is low in vitamin B.

The secret of how to treat, cure, prevent and avoid greasy hair is to treat it from both the outside, and the inside. For the outside: avoid brushing your hair too frequently, and when you brush avoid brushing your hair vigorously. When you wash your hair, the best shampoo for greasy hair is a mild-ph extra cleansing/clarifying shampoo that is formulated for greasy hair. Avoid moisturizing shampoos as they can leave some oil in your hair to protect against dryness. When washing your hair, avoid scrubbing your hair and scalp vigorously, lightly massage your hair and scalp instead.

For the best results, the longer you leave the shampoo in, the better. If necessary, rinse your hair and shampoo again. The question of how often to wash your hair is as unique as the individual. The ideal frequency is 1-2 times per week, but to find your own balance start with washing everyday then reduce that to find a good balance of washing and oil production. If you use a hairdryer when styling your hair don't let it get too hot as heat will stimulate more oil production. When it comes to conditioning your hair, again use a conditioner designed for greasy hair. Apply conditioner to the mid and ends of your hair, but not the roots.

On the inside: with your diet, Reduce the number of foods you eat that contain white flour such as pasta, pastries and bread. Increase the amount of green and leafy vegetables in your diet, along with seeds, nuts, whole grains, salads, fresh fish and vegetables. Avoid sugar and foods containing sugar e.g. soft drinks, biscuits and cakes. Reduce the amount of fat in your diet, avoiding fried, greasy and fatty foods. Consider supplementing vitamin B in your diet. Reduce and eliminate as much stress as you can from your day to day life. - 15634

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Special Effect Lenses That Go Way Beyond Normal Contact Lenses

By Amy Nutt

The eyes have been a subject of intense exploration from time immemorial. Indeed, your eyes define you. Cosmetic enhancement of eyes using kohl, eye liner and eye paint have been around since the days of the ancient Egyptians and the Hindus over 6000 years ago. As technology improved, so has our ability to attune our knowledge to further the appeal of a pair of captivating eyes. The advent of contact eye lenses has taken the fashion world by storm, no less.

Gone are the days when people chose normal contact eye lenses, a substitute for prescription designer glasses. Transparent and colorless normal lenses have varied magnification factor depending upon the user's visual status. Normal lenses may also serve specific purposes - a variation of normal contact eye lenses is the bandage lens which acts as a protective cover for a damaged cornea requiring protection during healing.

Special effect lenses are a class apart. They are also called as theatrical lenses. These lenses are typically used by movie actors who may be playing an unusual character, a vampire or a ghoul, for example, or some other theatrical character which necessitates a distinctive look. Unlike normal lenses which cover only the cornea, special effect lenses cover the entire eyeball. Special effect lenses have a small opening in them through which the wearer actually sees. Therefore, those with weak eyes or those who require corrective lenses cannot wear special effect lenses as these are purely theatrical in nature. Also, since the special effect lenses have a different way of wearing and cover the entire eyeball, they are difficult to wear and rotate your eyeballs once worn. Once worn, special effect lenses usually are limited by a 3-hour duration, as wearing them beyond that may cause severe eye strain or even some sort of permanent damage. It is for this reason that a prospective user is required to obtain a doctor's prescription to buy special effect lenses. A safety certificate preferably from a qualified eye care specialist's is very useful in ascertaining if you are a suitable candidate for special effect lenses. It is prudent to wear special effects lenses under the guidance of an eye care professional.

At the opposite spectrum of utility are the normal lenses which serve therapeutic purposes alone. These can usually be worn for extended time periods, such as night-and-day wear lenses, or the disposable ones that are replaced regularly. Special effect lenses on the other hand are a specialty niche that finds usage in the world of theatre - from horror to science fiction movies. Naturally the variety of special effects lenses available is tremendous. You have lenses that give you a cat-eyed image or a jaguar-like feel. There are special effect lenses that are blood red or hypnotic, lenses that give you 'wild-looking' eyes, those that blaze like a wildfire, or give you a Zombie look. From 'white eye' lenses to contacts that make you eyes glow in the dark, the range is limited only by human imagination. So if it is a pair of special effect lenses you seek, there's no dearth of choice - just grab the most startling pair and turn the spotlight your way. - 15634

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Acoustic Guitar Review

By Paul R Green

Before buying a new acoustic guitar, be sure to check out some acoustic guitar reviews. Two kinds of reviews you'll find are ones written by experts who sample and play a wide variety of guitar, and reviews written by ordinary people who just want to give you an opinion about how the guitar works, sounds and feels to them.

An expert acoustic guitar review should be one that is written by someone who has had several years of guitar-related experience. The reviewer should also have several different models from several different manufacturers. The reviewer should be able to put aside personal preference and objectively point out a guitar's pros and cons. Should a bias be present, it should be admitted and explained. A degree in music is not necessary for evaluating acoustic guitars. Applicants should really know their stuff, and should be able to explain why their opinion is valid and should be taken into consideration when buying a new guitar.

When you look for user reviews, you should locate web site containing a few reviews of each guitar written by a variety of musicians. Many music stores have web sites with user reviews. Every guitarist plays his or her own unique type of music at different kinds of venues with different arrangements of band members. A classical guitar player who plays at wedding receptions has different needs and preferences than a rock guitarist who performs in nightclubs. Be sure you find reviews from individuals who play the same style of music and who are at the same level of playing that you are or that your aspire to.

If you're using an internet search engine to locate acoustic guitar reviews, you should know some useful shortcuts. For instance, try putting your key search phrase in quotation marks (like "acoustic guitar reviews"). On Yahoo alone, that will reduce your hits from 17,000,000 to a more manageable 6000 or so.

This handy technique also works when you're looking for individual acoustic guitar reviews. For instance, if you're looking for reviews of the Martin DX1, enter martin dx1 (without quotation marks) into Yahoo's search engine and you'll come back with over 35,000 hits! But if you type "martin dx1" you will only get around 10,000 hits.

To narrow your search for specific acoustic guitar reviews down even more, try adding a plus ( ) sign after the phrase and the word "review". That will give you only the sites that contain that exact phrase on the website.

If you try something new by entering this- "martin dx1" into your search bar, you'll get upwards of 500 hits. To find something more specific, like the action on a particular guitar, you can add that to the query as long as you add a plus sign to it. Acoustic guitar reviews will be easier to find, which will make your decision easier if you take advantage of these two small search tips. - 15634

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Having a Spa Party Night at Home

By Darla Cruise

It is really good for women to get together with their friend and offer each other the kind of support that they just cannot get from the men in their lives. Women really like to talk things out, for instance, and men often just don't understand that. That is when bonding with girlfriends becomes not only handy, but, also vital to our mental health. Spending time together just hanging out and understanding each other is really good for us.

If you've decided to have a Girl's Night In - At Home Spa with your girlfriends, here are some ideas to get you started. The first thing that you want to consider is the atmosphere. You would, of course, want to make sure the rest of the family had someplace else to be, so that you and your friends would have the place to yourselves. Then you would want to make the atmosphere of the main room you will all be in, absolutely soothing. Dim the lights, light some candles around the room and play some nice relaxing music. Make sure that there are plenty of comfortable places for everyone to sit.

For the pampering part of your Home Spa, ask your girlfriends to all bring some supplies of their own. They could bring supplies for fixing up their fingernails, some of their favorite makeup, and maybe a facial mask. You could even do each other's hair, so make sure they bring brushes and supplies for that, too. A helpful thing for your girlfriends to bring is a pillow and maybe even a blanket for the relaxation part of your spa.

You can sit around and talk, waiting for everyone to arrive, when your friends first begin to show up. You can serve them smoothies and dark chocolate when they first get there. You can also have some women's magazines lying around the room. Since you want this to be a positive, uplifting experience, make sure that they are positive ones, and not the mud-slinging gossip rags, .

Once all of your guests arrive, you can start fixing each other's nails and doing each other's hair. And you can all do a facial mask and then apply makeup for each other. Once everyone is finished with all of that, you can get out a progressive body relaxation CD. Everyone finds a comfortable spot and you all relax to the words of the CD. By the end of your evening together, you are all going to feel refreshed and ready to face the world again! - 15634

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Save Money By Purchasing Groceries In Bulk

By Judy Turner

Although buying in bulk is a great way to save money it seems to have been somewhat forgotten. There are so many good reasons to shop this way that its astounding more people aren't doing it regularly. Most large towns and cities have some form of bulk grocery store or wholesale club. You may be charged a membership fee but it is usually reasonable. Quite often a membership pays for itself with the first shopping expedition.

Compare the cost of a single item with the cost per item when buying in bulk. For example, if you purchase a 12 pack of paper towels divide the price by 12 to see how much you spent per roll. If it is on sale then the savings are even bigger. Shopping this way means spending less and shopping less.

There are definitely certain types of food and household products that are the most beneficial to purchase in bulk. Cereal, juice and toilet paper are just a few of the best items to stock up on in bulk format. The items that you go through daily are the ones that you spend the most money on. Consider switching to bulk in order to have more at a time while saving a little extra. Many people may not find meat or other fresh products to be a worthy bulk investment. The truth is that anything that can go into the freezer is a fantastic choice. Purchase fresh meat in family packs which can be separated into smaller portions before going into the freezer.

There are always some products that are not recommended for buying in bulk. Perishable items that don't freeze well should be purchased in smaller quantities. Check for sales on these items and plan your meals accordingly around these items to use them up quickly.

Many families get stuck in a rut where they do the grocery shopping and still end up having to stop at the store frequently for things. While you may have to make a few in between trips, try planning your meals in advance so that you know just how you plan to use up that 10 pounds of chicken you purchased. Buying large quantities and breaking them into smaller ones will save you money and the time it takes to stop at the store frequently.

With the rising costs of fuel then it makes sense that making less trips means you will save money on gas. If you take fewer trips to the store for meal items and buy more at one time, the need to run out for groceries will be less frequent. Making grocery purchases in bulk is effective in cutting a variety of costs. Consider the ways it can help your family save time and money that can be better spent in other ways. - 15634

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Insurance policy guard's your family's future for the entire life

By Todd Martin

This world of today is full of competition and it takes more then one person to earn money to lead a comfortable life. But if you are the only one in your family who is earning then you have to think about your future also. You have to plan the future of your family so that irrespective of your being alive or dead, at least your family is secured financially. To make your family's life secured it is always better to take a life insurance policy. Although there are many policies available in the market, the most popular life insurance policies are the term life insurance and whole life insurance.

There are a number of situations where you can use term insurance. Not only is term life insurance policy cheaper than the usual permanent life insurance but it also allows people to have more flexible options. However, some may not know all the benefits there are to getting term insurance. It is ideal for young families with dependants and those who have a mortgage to pay off. This form of insurance is a sensible option if the insured has dependents or a mortgage as it will help repay the mortgage after death, and thus ensures that survivors will not face financial difficulties to make worse the grief they already would be feeling.

When a person purchases a whole life insurance policy, he has an advantage which takes into consideration three essential things they are: costs, coverage duration, and cash value. How fast you decide to buy this policy, you will be able to enjoy so many benefits. One among them is permanent level premium; this will help the person in coming future as it does not increase its rates with the passing time. Not like term life insurance policies, whole life insurance policy covers you for the entire life. Most of the people who want coverage for a limited period of time prefer going for term life insurance. Whereas in case of whole life insurance policy the person need not worry about the coverage coming to an end.

Again this insurance protects you for your whole life and also helps your family after your death. The best advantage of this policy is that it has a fixed monthly premium, so it you know your monthly expenditure and you need not worry about any increase in rates as in the case of other insurance policy. Since the monthly premium of the insurance is low, you can take the advantage of investing the money saved in the form of fewer premiums and you can earn profit out of it. If you are intelligent enough then you can earn more then what the insurance company will give you.

A person can have many benefits of term life insurance which are very exclusive and make purchasing the policy worthwhile. You can find many experts which will help you in advising on how best to go about getting any policy like whole life insurance. Always go for buying that policy which protects for family's future for the entire life. Always prefer doing some research on different types of insurance policies available in the market before buying a policy for yourself. Accordingly you may be able to take a wise decision. - 15634

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Shine with a Genuine Gucci Purse

By Sakuragicho

Some of the most popular accessories are genuine Gucci handbags.

They are highly coveted by fashion-minded women who appreciate the value of designer accessories such as handbags and sunglasses.

Designer handbags, such as Gucci handbags, represent a status of wealth and style for many women

A designer handbag not only represents a certain kind of sophistication, but is also a great investment in any woman's wardrobe.

The market is saturated with knock-off designer bags, and can be found just about anywhere.

Women are spending hundreds of dollars buying these replica purses since they can't afford real ones that tend to cost thousands of dollars.

To these women, the knock-offs are as close as they can get to the original ones.

Replicas are sometimes so well made, they can be difficult to tell apart from a genuine piece.

However, those in the know are able to instantly spot the differences between actual brand name hand bags and the replicas.

Knock-offs in general, including imitation brand-name bags, are typically made in an excellent fashion.

The women who buy these items are quite satisfied with them since they almost look like the real thing and are quite long lasting.

However, if you put a fake purse alongside an authentic handbag, the authentic wins hands down.

Why is an authentic handbag a better item and a better value compared to the replicas?

Genuine designer purses are original creations of the designer.

In terms of being fashion-forward, owning a genuine designer item is key to being recognized as having superior style and sophistication.

Some view the originality of an authentic designer item as art in its purest form.

You can understand this by thinking about painted art: would you rather own an original Van Gogh or a printed poster?

Authentic bags, since they are viewed as true works of art, are collector's items that can increase in value over time.

While knock-off bags are nice fashion accessories and cheap, they still can't compare to the wonderful originals, be they new or used.

While knock-off purses may be designed to last a long time, they are still greatly overshadowed by their designer counterparts in terms of overall quality.

Moreover, it can be very uncomfortable to be spotted sporting a fake designer bag, so why even take the chance?

Women on the street will say to the carrier of a replica handbag, "What a pretty purse! But it's a fake, isn't it?"

However, the carrier of a genuine purse will garner many envious glances from all the women on the street that recognize the designer product for the real deal.

It might just be women's intuition, but a vast number of the female sex instinctively can tell a real from a fake handbag.

You don't have to be the most business-savvy person in the world to know you will get a great resale value if you own an authentic designer handbag.

Used knock-off Gucci handbags, as well as other knock-offs, can be found in stores everywhere.

Used authentic purses still command prices that are comparatively higher than other bags.

Many stylish women believe that it is better to own a genuine, if used, handbag as opposed to a knock-off. - 15634

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