Saturday, February 28, 2009

Which glasses type is the best to buy

By Gurpreet Singh

Have you ever thought about what type of glasses you should purchase? By this I do not mean, the style of colour, instead its another factor which is not though to be very important but it should be though about quite carefully

On the market the types of glasses are growing, with many people struglling to choose the correct type. Which to choose I hear you ask. Continue to read for support.

Rimless frames have been on the market for some while now, and there are pros and cons to these types of glasses. But they are popular as they come in many designs, shapes and colours. But these frames are not to everyones taste as they can look very sophisticated.

But it is important to take extreme care when wearing rimless spectacles. They have been known to be very fragile and could break quite easily. This is because there is not a lot of metal holding the lenses together. So it is important to be careful.

Half rimmed frames are also available to people who wear glasses. These are a cross between full rimmed and rimless glasses. These are great for people who want the best of both worlds. They have the sophisticated look but at the same time, having durable glasses.

But saying this, it depends where the frame is missing part of the frames. A typical complaint from people wearing rimless frames is that the part of the rim which shows the lens can be quite fragile and vulnerable to scratches. Therefore complete care is needed when wearing these glasses.

Plastic glasses are a great choice for the glasses wearer that wants to look different, style and contemporary. They have been found to have many different styles which other types of frames do not incorporate. These frames are suitable for people who want to stay up to date with fashion.

But because of the material of the glasses they are much more likely to become damaged than compared to metal prescription glasses for example. These glasses tend to scratch a lot more, but there are products on the market to prevent this to a certain extent.

There are also fully rimmed glasses. The popularity of these type of frames are quite great. On a gloabla scale there are more people wearing fully rimmed glasses than any other type of frame. This shows that these glasses would be the safe option to go for when buying glasses if you are unsure.

Full rim frames do have one flaw though. The heavy nature of these frames can ensure that these glasses fall off quite easily. This is only a problem to a handful of people but something that should be considered.

So when choosing a pair of prescription glasses or a pair of frames to wear as a fashion accessory be careful by choosing the correct TYPE of glasses. By using the information provided you should be able to now make a more imformative decision. - 15634

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