Saturday, February 28, 2009

If you Want to Surprise this Christmas Dinner, Buy Lobsters!

By Shannon Linnen

As another holiday season gets into full swing, you're probably already to busy to think. In fact, it's likely you're online right now, looking for gifts. You've got so many time commitments that even the smallest tasks look huge. The holiday party is happening next week, and you have no hors d'oeuvres. You need to cook something for that fancy fundraiser. Your mother and law is coming for Christmas, and you really want to pull out all the stops. Sit back, relax in your chair and minute, and breathe. You can solve all these problems when you buy lobsters online.

But why would the thought that you buy lobsters make all this holiday insanity any easier? Simple, you buy them online, and for less, and as they're delivered to your door at the perfect moment, you see your entertaining nightmares slip away. Worried about that dinner party menu? Why not serve lobster. Need some kind of light snack for that fundraiser? A lobster canap is sure to impress everyone, and show them your commitment. Want your mother in law to be really impressed? Serve her a lobster and watch her jaw drop.

If you think the idea that you buy lobsters sounds crazy, you're probably thinking of how it would have been a few years ago. When you headed to the store, you were likely to find an empty tank, and if there were any lobsters, they were probably very small and overpriced. Now that you can order online however, those concerns are a think of the past. You'll be able to order with a few clicks online, deciding how many lobsters you'd like, and how big they should be. And they'll be at your door by tomorrow!

It may seem weird that you can buy fresh lobster online in a season where you can't even get it from fisherman, but it's true. This is due to great advances in keeping lobsters healthy after they've been caught. Lobsters are bought fresh and then places in large salt water ocean tanks. This lets the lobsters live as they did in the ocean, while waiting for orders to be placed. When you do buy lobster, you're able to get the best fresh lobster there is, without waiting, and knowing that they'll be healthy.

There's so much that you can do with lobster that you'll be surprised you didn't think of including them sooner. And your guests, friends, and yes, in laws, will be amazed you found lobster so fresh and flavorful this holiday season. You can spice up any differ party menu with a lobster salad or bisque, made with fresh lobster you go that very day. You can also great a beautiful lobster and roe canap that's sure to delight. And to real impress, serve whole one pound lobsters instead of a roast this Christmas.

Want to spice things up this holiday season? Buy lobsters and notice that everyone wants on your Christmas party invite list! They also make fantastic gifts for friends and family! - 15634

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