Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jamorama Download - What Makes Online Guitar Lessons Effective

By Harley Hamilton

Two words here: Jamorama download. This product will single handedly save you time, money and frustration beyond ANYTHING you can imagine. Jamorama includes all materials, sound tracks and whatever else you will need to learn guitar. But what makes it so much more effective over a traditional instructor? Let's take a look....

Because Jamorama is a download, it is available to you immediately. That means you can start NOW. Plus, you can learn at your own speed and level. This saves a significant amount of time and allows you to practice whenever you want or can.

Figure that a teacher is going to run you about $20 per hour for as long as you go to him/her. Over the course of a year, that adds up to more than $1000. Then you have to add the gas to get there, the gas to get back and the cost of books, sheet music and other materials. As you can see, it can add up quickly.

Frustration can build up, too. Say you had a bad week and can't make it to your lesson. Guess what happens? You STILL pay for that lesson even though you didn't get it. Now maybe you didn't have time to practice last week's lesson, so you go now and end up reviewing that material. You just blew $20 or so that you could have spent anywhere else.

The Jamorama download contains ALL the answers and remedies for these literally at a fraction of the cost of a personal instructor. Think about what you would pay to be able to play anything you hear on the radio. Maybe play a love song for your wife or significant other or just for fun with the kids.

What makes the online lessons so powerful over an instructor is the value (materials included) and the audio/video connection you make with the lessons. Jamorama is a complete, end to end system to learn the guitar. First, you will learn the basics, then necessary techniques and small riffs and short songs. All this in instruction, pictures, most on video and a lot on audio.

Being able to actually hear what the lesson should sound like is the biggest helping tool I have ever seen. I always look at a sheet of music and wonder "How is this supposed to sound?" If you have an instructor, you are relying on him telling you how it should sound. With the Jamorama video downloads, you can hear the way it should be.

This is important in another area as well; playing by ear. Learning to play by ear is an important part of the guitar learning process.

So put it all together and you can see that an online lesson plan with the Jamorama download is the easiest, fastest and most complete way to learn to play guitar. It has everything you need from the ground up. The author of Jamorama even gives away a boat load of freebies with every order.

So as you learn to play with the Jamorama download, you can also start learning scales, lead and solo techniques as well as ear training and tone training. That makes this the most comprehensive online guitar instruction system ever " ANYWHERE. - 15634

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