Friday, February 27, 2009

How custom earplugs are made - what is involved?

By Dionne Payn

Now you've chosen where to purchase your custom earplugs, you'll need to get an impression of your ear canals taken. Here's an overview of what to expect when you visit your audiologist.

Before your appointment

People who have a history of suffering from high levels of ear wax should make an appointment with their doctor or health centre so that excess volumes of ear wax can be removed before you get your impression made.

This is because the presence of ear wax can prevent an effective seal being made between your ear and the mould taken of your ear, which can result in an ineffective earplug.

Also, if you have recently undergone any kind of surgery on your ears, then it really is best to allow your ears to fully heal before having a mould made. This allows your ears the time they need to return to their regular size and/or shape.

Creating the mould

To start with, your audiologist is likely to ask you a few simple questions about your general state of health - this is to make sure that there are no underlying conditions which would affect the impression being taken. They will also inspect your ears to make sure everything is healthy and there isn't a build up of wax.

The audiologist will then place a small cotton or foam block in your ear, to act as a block and prevent the impression material from touching your eardrum.

The impression taking material is then syringed into the ear canal and left to set for approximately five minutes. The audiologist may ask you not to talk or move while you are having the impressions taken, to ensure that a good seal is maintained between your ear canal and the impression material.

It is essential that the barrier piece and impression material are placed past the second bend of your ear canal. By doing this, a very deep seal will be created and will result in the very best quality custom earplug.

Once the impression has set, your audiologist will remove the mould and the cotton or foam blocking piece. They will then inspect your ears for any material that may have been left. The next step is to send the completed impression off to the company who will manufacture your earplugs. Depending on the provider you use, this is either be done by your audiologist, or you may be responsible for it yourself.

It will usually take around 3 weeks from sending off your impressions to receiving your custom earplugs; however this time can vary depending on the company.

The company may ask that you go back to the audiologist for a fitting session. At this session you will be taught how to use your new custom earplugs. While this is not hard to do, we have found that when our clients are educated on how to properly use their earplugs, they experience much more effective noise reduction. - 15634

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