Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tattoos Then and Now

By Michael Gandy

There are a lot of negative connotations associated with tattoos. Often those people who have tattoos are stereotyped as being criminals or otherwise socially deviant. In reality tattoos are worn by people from all walks of life and have always been a part of society in one form or another.

Tattoos have a very deep history and have been steeped in culture for thousands of years. They have taken varying roles of significance with respect to tradition and ritual. They have been used to mark rites of passage and to symbolize clans and tribes. In some societies they were used to as a way to denote who carried what skills. More spiritual cultures used them to ward off illness and disease.

Some of the earliest tattoos were worn by the ancient Egyptians. They used them to mark their peasants and slaves during the construction of the pyramids. While these are some of the earliest tattoos research has uncovered, it is likely they were used even earlier than this.

After Egypt the art of tattooing traveled to China before heading to Greece. There it was used to pass communication between spies. In Japan at this time tattoos were being used in religious ceremonies. Because the strict health guidelines that we have now didn't exist then, infection was very common. Needles were not sanitized and the procedure was not very sterile.

While initially very popular with outlaw biker gangs to denote affiliate, tattoos exploded with popularity among Americans in the late 1960s. In fact it is estimated that nearly fifty percent of all Americans have at least one and they are no longer limited to the biker crowd.

Today folks are getting tattoos for self expression and to say something about themselves. They are used to memorialize a loved one or to commemorate a meaningful event. There are countless design possibilities and you are limited only by your own imagination. The Internet has made the process of choosing even easier as there are several well established websites devoted to bringing tattoo aficionados and artists together to share ideas. - 15634

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