Monday, January 5, 2009

For The New Apple iPhone Users - 5 Things You Should Do

By Dave Sanders

Now that you have it, what can you do with it? Lots! Your new iPhone 3G is loaded with features and capabilities that go beyond what we think of when we think phone. Below are five things you should take care of right away to make your relationship with your iPhone a long and fruitful one.

Personalize. The first thing you should do with your iPhone is personalize it. Other than actually using the iPhone, personalizing it is perhaps one of the most fun things you can do with it. Wallpaper is the most expressive feature that lets the world know your iPhone belongs to you! Wallpaper is available from almost everywhere, including Apple's site. Ring tones and other music are others way to personalize your iPhone. Don't be shy and express yourself! After all, you're holding the most innovative piece of equipment in your hands and it can handle it. So, let your iPhone have a little fun and dress it up.

Familiarize. You should familiarize yourself with all of iPhone's capabilities. The 3G has many new features that even a seasoned iPhone user will want to know about. Apple's site boasts having more than 1000 applications ready to use with your iPhone. It's worth your time to take a look at these applications and explore the ones that will make your life easier and more fun. These applications include MobileMe, an integrated GPS system, and visual voice mail. Some applications are more business-oriented and some are just for fun but you will have a good time checking them out at Apple.

Update. Now that you have familiarized yourself with the iPhone's features, it's time to put them to work. Add contacts to your address book. Sync your phone with your computer. Check out MobileMe, an application that makes syncing with your computer easier than ever. It's easier than ever to feel connected with the iPhone and its integrated applications. Surf the web. Take pictures. Make the iPhone work for you.

Maintain. You will want to read how to maintain your iPhone. Apple is notorious for making quality products and if you take care of your phone, it will provide you with years of functionality, fun, and entertainment. It's good to know the basics about your iPhone. Reading up on what to expect from it how long the battery will last or how to talk on the phone when it is locked, for example, is a good way to get to know your iPhone. It is also good to know how to extend the life of your phone. Go to Apple's site and follow their advice for optimizing your iPhone.

Act. Now that you have accomplished the basics, it's time to get comfortable with your phone and take action. Watch a movie, watch a video, download your favorite songs, or simply call someone! The iPhone is here and it's only waiting for you to use it. - 15634

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