Monday, January 5, 2009

The Benefits of Freelance Copywriting

By Ray Edwards

The Internet has single-handedly helped turn freelance copywriting into the success it is today. Copywriters looking to make more money should think about freelance copywriting. Freelancing frees you from the restrictions of a full-time employed job and allows you to dictate your workload, your schedule, and your paycheck.

Copywriters must know how to reach their audience effectively. They must know what mediums to use and how to motivate their readers into buying their product. Many copywriters attend seminars and workshops in order to learn new skills and improve the quality of their product.

Freelance copywriters have many more opportunities than regularly employed copywriters. When freelancing your services you can work in many different fields at once, such as: commerce, web content management, publishing houses, advertising agencies, direct response ad campaigns, and many others. Freelance copywriters work on a project-to-project basis for companies in these fields in order to help them better sell their products.


Freelance copywriters can choose their projects, handpick the jobs that are in their area of expertise, and bring in more money. Since you are your own boss as a freelancer, most experts agree that freelance copywriting is one of the best fields in which to work.

The most important thing you need to know is what your customers want and how to give it to them in a creative and effective way. If you're an aspiring freelance copywriter here are some things you should know:

1. Set goals for yourself. Goals are very important, without them you're like a ship setting sail without a heading. In order for your goals to be effective, they have to be tangible and attainable. This way you have something to shoot for and a practical way of measuring your success. Take a look at your skills and try to develop a business plan to help you achieve your goals.

2. Build a portfolio. Your portfolio will function as a resume to potential clients. This will be one of the first things people see when considering your project bid. This means that it should have examples of your best work, a sales letter explaining your credentials, and some testimonials from past clients. It should also be neat, organized, and look professional.

3. You should also have a website. A website allows clients to easily access your portfolio and see your work. Websites give your clients something tangible to examine as they consider your bid, which increases your chances of winning the project. Also, for whatever reason, many copywriters do not have a website, which gives you an edge over some of your competition.

4. Build good relationships with your clients. There is very little person-to-person work on the Internet, which makes it difficult to build good working relationships with your clients. Good relationships are important because people like to feel that they are working with a real person. It also increases the likelihood that they will hire you again or refer their friends to you. Therefore you have to try harder than usual to build a connection with your client.

If you find out that you live near your client, let them know that you're available to meet in person if they like. Also let them know that you are always available if they need to contact you with any questions or concerns. Make yourself personable, the more you seem like a real person to your clients, the greater the success you will see in your business.

5. Try to educate your clients. It is important to listen to your client when starting the project to see what they want, but don't let them completely dictate your end product. You're the expert and they are hiring you to sell their product. Their ideas may be terrible for marketing, so try and teach them about what works and what doesn't work. Don't be rude, be gentle and explain why you think your ideas might sell their product more effectively.

These were just a few pointers to help you get started in your new freelancing career. Hopefully this article helped you better understand freelance copywriting. Freelancing gives you the freedom to work whenever and where ever you want. You also get to choose whom you work for and how much work you take on. Freelance copywriting is a very rewarding and flexible occupation. - 15634

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