Saturday, January 31, 2009

How And Where To Get Inexpensive Yet Effective Web Marketing

By Don Bethune

We all worry about how we're going to get more web traffic to our sites. Despite what you may think the trick really is to put more careful attention into your placements, rather than paying more and more expensive designers and ad agencies.

For the most inexpensive solution, the popular video and blogging sites are great for traffic. Find one with existing traffic similar to your target market and you can most likely get your message posted for free. With the high volume these sites get, your message quickly spreads far.

Make your message stand out from the crowd and show your unique style with a video broadcasting site. Modern computers can create all of the expensive styles and formatting of video production for minimal cost and you can post it for free. Unfortunately with all of the videos on these sites, it's possible your video may not get noticed as much as you would like.

So you also should create a blog about your topic to help spread your message. These sites show up in search engines when people are looking for something related, and the traffic comes to your site to read your message. Blog posts are shorter, so you won't have as much detail as you can put in a video message or paid advertisement. It takes time to get search engine traffic, so keep working on other promotion while you wait.

Blogging and video websites are great for general web traffic, but are all-ages spots. If you have an adult website these are not appropriate options to get increased traffic. Posting pornography related messages to these types of sites could result in a ban or other punishment.

If neither of these are what you are looking for, there are other methods as well. For example, pop-up ads. An utter annoyance for most internet users until one pops up that actually makes them raise an eyebrow. This is what a great advertisement will do through a pop-up ad. If the individual likes the ad and whatever it is advertising, you are almost guaranteed a visit.

Lastly, you should look for high traffic websites that your target audience would be visiting. These sites will often let you pay for advertising. This is a more expensive solution than videos or blogs, but is almost guaranteed a positive result and increased traffic.

Don't worry if you need increased web traffic. There are plenty of options at all price levels. The higher your budget the more access you can get, but with a little creativity good options exist to spread the word about your website at all price points. - 15634

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