Friday, January 30, 2009

Dirty Dancing Tickets With Amazing Grace

By Matt Ryan

When this low budget film, with a cast of unknown actors and actresses, came out in 1987, it took a whole lot of critics and moviegoers by surprise and by storm. The amazing part is that it manages to surprise and delight audiences to this day. This film has brought in more than three hundred million dollars from all over the world, and set a record in home video sales as the first to sell more than a million copies. The soundtrack produced two multi-platinum albums and a huge number of singles.

For those of us who watched Dirty Dancing on the big screen when it was first released, watching it today is almost heartbreakingly nostalgic. The story takes place, after all, in 1963, "before Kennedy was assassinated", and when it seemed the world retained its innocence. Jennifer Grey plays Frances Houseman, known to everyone as "Baby", and not minding it at all. Patrick Swayze is Johnny Castle, the street punk who has the moves as the dance instructor at the resort.

The dancing and all its side effects take place at a resort in the Catskills, where the Houseman family is taking a summer vacation. Baby's father is Dr. Houseman, physician to the rather sycophantic owner of Kellerman's Resort. His wife and Baby's older sister, Lisa, are relatively minor characters but each contributes to the subplot of the film. Baby's fascination with the dance instructor, Johnny Castle, and his partner Penny gets her and her family involved with "those people", and the fun begins.

Johnny Castle is very much a ladies' man, but until he meets Baby, he has only been using and being used by women. When his dance partner gets a botched abortion, unknowingly financed by Dr. Houseman at Baby's insistence, and she has to call her father to save the dancer's life, the doctor assumes that Johnny is the guilty party and forbids his daughter to have anything further to do with "those people".

Baby has done what she believes is the right thing, but it causes a painful rift between her Dad and her growing understanding of herself. She finds herself offering to stand in for Penny, mostly so Johnny won't lose his "gig". With some really intense lessons from the pro, they develop a pretty stunning routine of their own. Yes, Baby falls in love.

Meanwhile, the Foxtrot and badminton go on, but other dramas are playing out. Lisa confides to Baby that she's planning to "go all the way" with Robbie. Baby knows that Robbie is the father of Penny's aborted child, but their father thinks Johnny is the culprit. When Johnny is accused of theft by one of his many female "conquests" - she's seen him with Baby - he is assumed guilty by almost everyone. Baby knows, and this time Frances tells the truth. Frances, as Johnny tells her, is "a grown-up name".

Dirty Dancing, with all the sensual and provocative dance scenes between Baby/Frances and Johnny, is really about innocence and growing up. Father and daughter gain a new understanding, and Baby begins the process of becoming the woman she was meant to be. The rousing finale, when Johnny makes a decision and pulls Baby out of her corner and into the spotlight, is downright thrilling to watch. In front of Housemans, Kellermans and everyone else, the two of them bring Dirty Dancing to its finest hour!

Dirty Dancing is basically a simple, romantic love story, with just enough supporting characters and interwoven plot lines to keep it interesting. When the forces of stodginess and intolerance show up, they are ultimately and emphatically overwhelmed by the forces of love and fair play. The realistically choreographed dance scenes are a powerful force in themselves, but everything comes together for a rousing happy ending.

The movie translates well into the Broadway stage production also. The stage musical adaptation of Dirty Dancing has played to enthusiastic theatre goers in Germany, England, Canada and even Australia, and is still showing in London. If you move fast you can still see the touring production of the musical in Boston, but it is scheduled to close March 15th of this year. If you haven't caught this show in a theatre or on stage, you ought to get the video - it's too good to miss! - 15634

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