Thursday, January 1, 2009

All Natural Winter Skincare Tips

By Marilyn Etzel

Some natural skincare tips help to protect our delicate features during the winter months. While winter is beautiful, our skin may not be due to the often harsh weather conditions.

Even the most moisturized skin can tend towards dryness in the winter. We believe that if we wear layers of clothing to keep the wind out that our skin will automatically be protected. That is far from the truth. If we fail to moisturize our skin in the winter, it will become dry, itchy, and red.

1. Get your eight glasses of water"When we lose moisture through our pores, it has to be put back. Our bodies are composed of mostly water and we risk dehydration if we dont replenish. Drinking lots of water is healthy for our bodies inside and out.

2. Nighttime care"We often forget to protect our skin while we sleep. Moisturizing night creams for face and body maintain a layer of moisture on our skin. The warmth helps the moisturizers to sink in and nourish our skin. Use a natural salve or balm on your skin right before bedtime for best results.

3. Dont go outside without sunscreen"The glare of the sun on the snow can cause sunburn even if you dont feel hot. Without a protectant, the radiation penetrates deep into the skin and can cause damage that ruin our skin and put us at risk for skin cancers. Prevent dryness and skin damage with zinc and other moisturizers with sunscreen.

4. Humidifier"You dont have to be sick with a cold to use a humidifier. Dry heat in the home can irritate nasal passages and the skin as well. Adding a little moisture stops the drying process and keeps everyone hydrated.

5. Remove dead skin"Exfoliation is important. The skin has a difficult time absorbing moisture when there are layers of dead skin on the surface. Use a loofah or a gentle scrub brush the next time you shower to remove the dead cells.

6. Lower your shower temperature"The hot water feels nice, but it is not being nice to your skin. Milder temperatures keep the pores closed to retain more moisture in the body. Youll lower your energy bills in the process.

Winter is a beautiful time of year, but it can be murder on your skin. Add a few of these tips to your routine and see how much better your winter skin feels. - 15634

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