Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Quick Weight Loss with Fat Loss 4 Idiots

By Cristina Conley

One of the hot weight loss plans currently is Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and it's shrouded by a veil of hype, but in truth, this diet (like all weight loss plans) is not the silver bullet that it's advertised to be, but it is a moderately effective weight loss plan for the right type of dieter.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims that they are the only diet on the market that will help dieters lose 9 pounds every 11 days. A clarification: that's not 9 pounds in 11 days, that's 9 pounds each 11-day period while on the diet. Obviously, this is a significant reason to be wary of this diet plan, or at least skeptical that its claims might be dubious, even for a fast weight loss diet!

When you look into the diet, you begin to understand that this claim is moderated due to the nature of the diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiot advocates cheat days, where you are free to eat whatever you like. Every two weeks, you are entitled to three of these off days.

It's common knowledge that during the first four to five days on a diet, the pounds melt away, resulting from cleansing your colon and shedding water weight. On the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet then, you get the benefit of this initial loss during every two-week period.

Here's what that might look like: begin the diet and lose 9 pounds in 11 days, then gain 3 back during the next 3 days; drop 9 pounds during the second period and gain 3 back during the cheat days. The final result is indeed 9 pounds lost every 11 days, but a total weight loss of only 6 pounds every two weeks. Of course, even those numbers would be very difficult to maintain over the long term, but it does demonstrate how the diet creators approach weight loss.

A very positive feature of this plan is the cheat days. During each two week period, you spend 11 days on the diet and 3 days off the diet. This is actually a valid approach, and is one that is shared with another innovative diet, the Cheat to Lose Diet. The principle is that you prevent your body from entering starvation or conservation mode with the cheat days, and because you can satisfy your cravings at least once every two weeks, the diet is easier to maintain than other fast weight lose diets over the long-term.

The diet is also very easy for everyone to implement because it spends zero time, and I mean absolutely none, educating you about how the diet works. It simply tells you what to eat. On the plus side, this is the quickest, drop-dead-simple way to get started with a diet program; but it is far from perfect for those dieters who are interested in the facts behind why a diet works the way it does. If you are an information consumer, this do-what-I-say approach can grow tired quickly.

A final point to note about the diet is the simplicity of it. It's fast and easy to begin, and it's a low-maintenance plan because Fat Loss 4 Idiots doesn't place much emphasis on carbohydrate and calorie counting or even portion size; instead, the program frequently encourages you to "eat short of being full."

The major difference between the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan and other weight loss programs is that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet formula is specifically designed to confuse your body so it never thinks it's starving.

You should also be aware that this is a diet, nothing more. It's not a weight loss program and there is no exercise element involved. If your goal is fast weight loss, you are more than likely aware that you will need to incorporate an exercise component such as strength training and intervals to your overall plan.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots, like any other diet, works only if you work it. But Fat Loss 4 Idiots is easier to work due to its low amount of required maintenance, regular off days, and easy startup. But you will be wise to stay away from this diet if you want to learn the details under the surface. Personally, I like facts, and I need them to stick with a plan. If you're like me, you would be wise to look to another diet plan. - 15634

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