Friday, November 28, 2008

Reasons Every Company Should Have a Website

By Craig Calvin

Does your business need a website? Many business owners ask themselves this question, but they don't know how to find an answer. What are the benefits to having a business website? What, if any, are the drawbacks? Here are a few things to consider when deciding whether a website can increase your selling power and help your business become a solid player in your market.

1. The internet is the top place people turn to when they want information. It doens't matter what kind of information it is, they will look here first. If you do not have your own place on the internet, you will be missing many opportunities. Your competitors will probably have a website, and that is where your potential customers will end up.

2. Establishing your presence on the internet with a website tells the world you are legitamate and serious. It also makes people aware of who you are what you do. It just makes good business sense.

3. Websites create visiability. A website can give you free advertising, and make you known in markets you aren't even aware of. Joining webrings and business directories will only enhance this feature.

4. Offering comprehensive information on the internet is a great way of providing excellent customer service 24/7 without time and energy from you or your staff. Your website can have basic information such as business hours, services offered, and reasons to use your business rather than one of your competitors. You can also publish a basic price list and detailed descriptions of your products and services. This keeps you from having to screen clients constantly and dedicate staff hours to providing explanations. A website can give you a place to direct clients who want to know the details of your offerings.

5. A website extends your reach. Is your business currently limited to your local area? Could your services and goods be sold on a global scale? Having a website gives you global exposure that can turn your small business into a regional or even international giant.

There really are not any drawback to having a website. The cost is not even worth mentioning, the time is so little to create one. You can learn to do it yourself, or hire someone to do it for you quickly, and inexpensively. - 15634

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