Sunday, November 30, 2008

Investment in the life insurance polices is a must for everyone.

By Todd Martin

Dear friends, we need to look for the new opportunities and use our intuition to get a sense of what we need and desire to accomplish in the coming days. We have to be patient and learn to go with the flow. We should take our own time in making decisions and we do not have to be impulsive or hurry things up while we are investing in any of the life insurance policies like term life insurance. We have to gain knowledge about all the life insurance policies beforehand if we are keen in investing in any one of them and only then we would we able to make up our mind in whatever we take up.

The three main reasons for which I feel that we should invest is to protect our selves and our family to go through the financial crisis if we lose anything in life, to lead a tension free life even after retirement and to give our children all the luxuries which they are having today through out their life. Although many people may have many other reasons to invest in the life insurance policies. Some invest for the safety of the future, some invest because they are having much money today and they want some part of their earnings to be invested anywhere and so they decide to invest in the life insurance policy and some may invest because they do not want to be a burden upon anybody in the future for money, not even on their children.

My friend is a very rich man today all because his father had bought a life insurance policy for him when he was only three years old. By the time my friend grew up even the returns of the policy was growing up. Finally when my friend was matured enough to take of the money then his father handed him the life insurance policy which he had bought for him years ago. My friend also without any delays was regularly paying the premiums in the policy which his father had bought for him so that the returns which he could get from would continue.

Though my father had made a legal will which I could get 50% of his property and the other 50% was my sister's. But we could make use of this money only when I could complete my 21 years and my sister 18 years. But unfortunately we had to struggle for money for nearly 6-7 years and we literally had to depend on my uncle for all our needs. This was really an embarrassing situation that we had to complete our education depending on our uncle.

We all also have to be wise like my brother and invest in any of the life insurance policies as soon as we can so that we can eve give our family what they need even if we are with them in future. I had also not invested in any of the policies earlier, but when my brother advised me and I saw how he was benefited with the returns of the various policies I decided to invest in the life insurance policy. Even I invested in the variable universal life insurance. - 15634

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