Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An Interesting Liposuction Alternative

By Charles Donovan

Liposuction has been around for a long time. However, with increasing demand for weight loss options a new alternative has presented itself, lipo dissolve. Lipo dissolve has actually been around for approximately a decade. This article will review the reasons that this procedure is making such headway in the cosmetic surgery industry and why it has been so controversial in the process.

There has been huge growth in the cosmetic surgery industry in recent years. Many people want to rid themselves of unwanted excess fat and therefore, it was only a matter of time before an alternative to the surgical procedure of liposuction existed. Lipo Dissolve is noninvasive, meaning it requires no surgery in order to be effective.

Lipo dissolve involves a qualified professional injecting certain chemicals directly into the targeted area, the area that you want to lose fat. The chemicals that are injected are actually believed to turn the solid fat into a liquid, which in essence, melts the fat away. Sound too good to be true? Most patients have been very happy with the results of the procedure. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before considering this method of weight loss in order to understand all the inherent risks and benefits.

I know for a lot of people this liposuction alternative is going to be just what they have been waiting for. Going under the knife can be really scary, especially knowing that there could be some kind of complication and you might never wake up from the surgery.

Another great benefit to the liposuction alternative known as lipodissolve is that there are not any known side effects to the treatment. The treatment has been around for about 10 years so that is a decent amount of time for any side effects of the treatment to manifest themselves. It is not necessarily known what kind of long term side effects there might for patients of the lipo dissolve treatment.

Three to four treatments are usually required for lipo dissolve to have the desired and expected effect. The number of treatments will vary depending on the size of the area being treated and the area targeted. It is important to understand that multiple treatments are necessary the majority of the time in order to not get disappointed after the initial treatment. As you research this procedure online you will see many complaints that the procedure was not effective. However, always note whether the complainer went through the whole treatment or only went in the first time and quit when they didn't see immediate results. The quitters are not giving lipo dissolve what it needs to succeed. - 15634

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