Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Data Insurance Is A Good Idea

By Dan Dugal

You've got the right insurance for everything else so why not on the most valuable asset that your ecommerce company has in it's information? Take a look at the what can happen if your don't have the proper online data backup and you'll quickly see that this a mandatory in the modern office where everything is on computer and all the information that you've got flows in cybersapce. So why do you need to backup the information that you've got with an online backups company? Some may ask why they just can't use a memory stick or a CD Rom and take the information home every night.

Data Loss

Well, the answer is simple. Even with the most traditional forms of data backup that are available today, there's still the chance that these removable hard drives can get lost or stolen. To be as secure as possible from all forms of data loss, the best way that you can go is with a superior backup system that has separate data centers that will hold your information in secure areas that can only be accessed by you.


You want to make sure that you can get the data back as well. You want to know that there is a team of dedicated professionals working at these remote backups places so that you can get that information back even when you make the mistake and lose or accidentally delete the file.

Customer Service

It all comes down to customer service. Of course you need to work with the best software as well as the best security infrastructure, but all that doesn't mean much unless you've got a dedicated team working on your side to make sure that everything is working just as it should be. And there are certain industries where this is vital like in franchising. Here the problem of data loss without the right data protection would be multiplied by the fact that franchises usually have several computers hooked into one central unit. - 15634

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