Saturday, January 31, 2009

Common Mistakes Made by Users of Microsoft Word

By Andrew Whiteman

Everybody knows Microsoft Word. It's on almost every PC in the world and fair few Macs as well. However, a lot of users have picked up bad habits, things that detract from the usefulness of the document being created. This article looks at the most common basic errors among Microsoft users.

* Pressing the Return key at the start of a document which needs to be printed on a letterhead is one of the most common such errors. The correct thing to do is to change the top margin setting. Otherwise, you get have superfluous characters at the start of your text. (In Word 2003, go to File and choose Page Setup. In Word 2007, click on the Page Layout tab of the ribbon then click on Custom Margins.

* A lot of Word users have the habit of entering two spaces after a full-stop. This is a recommendation that used to apply when typewriters were being used with monospace typefaces such as Courier. With the advent of word processors, and now computers, the two space rule is redundant because electronically generated fonts are proportionally spaced and it's easy for the eye to pick out the end of each sentence.

* Do you habitually press the Return key two times to indicate the end of a paragraph? If so, you should consider pressing the Return key just once then using the paragraph spacing commands which can be found by clicking on the Page Layout tab of the ribbon in Word 2007 or by clicking on Format then Paragraph in Word 2003.

* People who have never had any formal Microsoft Word training can perhaps be forgiven for not fully understanding how tabs work. You will even see some users attempting to align elements by using the space bar and, of course, when they print the document, nothing is properly aligned. As experienced users will know, the Tab key should be used; not the space bar.

* Having identified the Tab key as the correct one to use to create columns, many Word users just press the tab key to tab along to the next default tab. The number of times the Tab key is pressed will thus vary, depending on the length of each piece of text. It is much better to set one's own tabs by clicking on the Word ruler. This means that on each line of text, the tab key will be pressed the same number of times between columns.

* A lot of newbie Word users will always format their documents, even long ones, either manually or by using the Format Painter. The best way to format text in long documents is to use Microsoft styles. Each style has multiple attributes associated with it which are applied automatically to any text formatted with that style. In addition, if the attributes of a style are changed, all text in that style is updated throughout the document.

* Word has a number of AutoCorrect options which can seem intrusive to new users and who complain about them without attempting to switch them off. To modify Word's AutoCorrect and other settings, choose Options from the Tools menu (Word 2003/2002 etc.) or choose Word Options from the Office button in Word 2007. - 15634

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Commonest Errors Made By Users Of QuarkXPress

By Andrew Whiteman

If you are a new user of QuarkXPress, then this article may just point out some of the mistakes you may be making. So read through our list of common errors made by QuarkXPress user and see how many of them you yourself are making!

Whenever you create a new project in QuarkXPress, the New document window appears. Beginners will often create a new project and click OK without paying much attention to the settings in the New Project dialogue. Quark keeps the settings from the last project you created. If these are inappropriate for the document you are about to create, change the page size, orientation, margin and column guides as necessary.

Having set margins when creating a new project, many new QuarkXPress users will still feel inclined to position their text and picture boxes inside the margin guides, leaving an extra space. Remember, the blue lines represent the margin guides not the edges of the page. Normally, the edges of your text boxes will need to be positioned on the margin rather then inside them.

Another common error is excessive use of ruler guides. These are created by dragging either the vertical or horizontal ruler onto the page and can be used to align elements using Quark's handy snap-to-guides features. Snapping two elements to the same guide ensures that their edges are aligned. This is a great feature when used in moderation. However, a lot of users create so many guides that it becomes difficult to see which guide relates to which element on the page. In general, guides are quicker to use but measurements are more accurate.

Incorrect use of guides is another basic error frequently encounter among QuarkXPress users. A typical scenario is where you want to create a new element and align it with something that's already on the page. So you drag a guide onto the page and align it with the existing element. Then you create your second element and snap it to the guide. This means that only the first element is actually aligned with the guide. Remember, the snap is what makes guides useful. So dragging a guide and aligning it to the edge of a box by eye won't do. You need to go back to the first element and ensure that it too is snapped onto the guide.

Automatic text boxes is another source of confusion for many QuarkXPress users. This option can be activated when creating a new document and allows you to use Quark in a similar way to a word processing package. Each page in the document automatically has a text box on it and once this box is filled with text, a new page is generated, also containing a text box.

The automatic text box feature is great for long documents. However, you will often see QuarkXPress users activating this option when creating short documents or even documents consisting of a single page. They make the assumption that all the feature does is to save them the trouble of creating a text box. In fact, if the text box ever becomes filled with text (which can easily happen as you experiment with different text formats), a new page is immediately generated and your single page document becomes a two page document.

Another simple error new QuarkXPress users tend to make, is clicking on the text box tool then trying to edit text. This one is not so serious since it's a non-starter: the only thing you can do with the text box tool is create text boxes. The correct tool for editing text is the Content tool, the second tool on the QuarkXPress toolbar.

Confusion between the item and content tools is another common problem for new users. The item tool is to be used for moving elements on the page and for working with grouped elements. To edit the contents of t text or picture box, use the content tool. This confusion eventually will resolve itself for most users, since each time it arises, they will find the right tool sooner or later even if only through trial and error.

Many new users also insist on always ensuring that they select the item tool whenever they want to resize a text or picture box. In fact, you can resize a box regardless of whether the item or content tool is selected.

QuarkXPress novices also tend to create far more text boxes than they need to. The worst error people will make is to create a separate box for each different style of text. In actual fact, you can put as many different formats as you like in a single Quark text box. You only need separate text boxes for items which have no direct relation to each other within the layout or which require conflicting text box attributes. So if some of your text is spans two columns and another bit spans one column, you will clearly need to boxes.

Beginners in QuarkXPress will often spend a lot of time aligning headings within a text box, for example vertically centring, forgetting that, since the box will not print, all that matters is the position of the text itself on the page. A good way of curing this one is to get into the habit of pressing F7 (a shortcut for View - Guides). This keystroke toggles the visibility of the QuarkXPress margin and ruler guides as well as the edges of boxes that have no frames. This means that you are always reminded of which elements will actually be visible when the document prints. - 15634

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Adobe Acrobat Forms

By Andrew Whiteman

One of the many uses of PDF files is to offer a way for people to gather information via an interactive form. Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional has some nifty features for creating such forms, distributing them and tracking responses.

The PDF format is a great choice for forms since it will allow the user to see the form exactly as it was created. Web forms, by contrast, can vary depending on the operating system and browser software being used.

There is also immediacy and flexibility of delivery. The form can be emailed to a group of users at the same time. The delivery of the form then becomes a single operation. PDF forms can also be distributed via CDs and DVDs.

Forms are not new to Acrobat: the feature has been available since version 3. However, Acrobat 8 Professional has seen a great enhancement to the way interactive forms are handled.

Instead of relying purely on other applications to supply its content, Acrobat can now create forms from scratch using a utility called Adobe Life Cycle Designer. It also includes some useful form templates such as conference registration, employee appraisal, etc.

As with previous versions of Acrobat, forms created in other packages can be used as the starting point for an Acrobat form. Acrobat 8 Professional will even automatically recognise the form layout and generate form fields automatically.

If you wish to use some of your printed forms as starting points for your interactive PDF form, then Acrobat's Scan From Paper option will offer just what you need.

Once you have the basic form created, you can add in all the standard form controls. In addition to text fields, PDF forms support combo boxes, option buttons, checkboxes and, of course, submit buttons.

Another new feature in Acrobat 8 is to create a form which allows Acrobat Reader users to save form data when they have filled in the form. (This feature is normally only available with a full version of Acrobat.) To activate this facility, just choose "Enable Usage Rights in Acrobat Reader" from the "Advanced" menu.

You can send your interactive PDF form to any number of users by clicking on the "Form" menu and choosing "Distribute Form". You can select a series of emails from an Outlook address book or just enter recipients manually.

Returned forms are saved in a special Acrobat file called a dataset. When users complete the form and email it back to you, you simply double-click on the attached form. Acrobat opens a special window marked " Add Completed Form to Data Set".

Once all the forms have been returned and the data added to the dataset, you just open the dataset and export it as a CSV (comma separated values) file. This format is compatible with programs like Excel and Access which can then be used to store and analyse responses to your forms. - 15634

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How And Where To Get Inexpensive Yet Effective Web Marketing

By Don Bethune

We all worry about how we're going to get more web traffic to our sites. Despite what you may think the trick really is to put more careful attention into your placements, rather than paying more and more expensive designers and ad agencies.

For the most inexpensive solution, the popular video and blogging sites are great for traffic. Find one with existing traffic similar to your target market and you can most likely get your message posted for free. With the high volume these sites get, your message quickly spreads far.

Make your message stand out from the crowd and show your unique style with a video broadcasting site. Modern computers can create all of the expensive styles and formatting of video production for minimal cost and you can post it for free. Unfortunately with all of the videos on these sites, it's possible your video may not get noticed as much as you would like.

So you also should create a blog about your topic to help spread your message. These sites show up in search engines when people are looking for something related, and the traffic comes to your site to read your message. Blog posts are shorter, so you won't have as much detail as you can put in a video message or paid advertisement. It takes time to get search engine traffic, so keep working on other promotion while you wait.

Blogging and video websites are great for general web traffic, but are all-ages spots. If you have an adult website these are not appropriate options to get increased traffic. Posting pornography related messages to these types of sites could result in a ban or other punishment.

If neither of these are what you are looking for, there are other methods as well. For example, pop-up ads. An utter annoyance for most internet users until one pops up that actually makes them raise an eyebrow. This is what a great advertisement will do through a pop-up ad. If the individual likes the ad and whatever it is advertising, you are almost guaranteed a visit.

Lastly, you should look for high traffic websites that your target audience would be visiting. These sites will often let you pay for advertising. This is a more expensive solution than videos or blogs, but is almost guaranteed a positive result and increased traffic.

Don't worry if you need increased web traffic. There are plenty of options at all price levels. The higher your budget the more access you can get, but with a little creativity good options exist to spread the word about your website at all price points. - 15634

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Free Online Faxing

By Joshua M.

If you have a big fax machine or one of those all-in-one fax, scanner and printer machines then you may think that you have it all when it comes to communication needs.

Nevertheless, you can never know when this expensive machine might just break down or need repair, run out of ink or paper. What if you need to send a fax as soon as possible? Then your fax machine isn't of much help anymore.

Email Faxing can change all that. Not everyone has switched to internet faxing so here are some reasons as to why you should start using online fax services today.

- Save Money: You will save both time and money by using email to fax software. Forget about those emergency trips to the office supply store when you ran out of ink or paper or having to call the repair man.

- Flexible - Many fax software support a variety of platforms such as Windows, Mac, Unix and MPE.

- You are Covered: Your back is covered with fax services. Unlike fax machines, online faxing will not break down in an unsuspected moment. You can send a fax anywhere at anytime.

- Design - The best thing about email faxing is that there is no big old machine you have to set up or buy a table for. No cables, phone wires or power plugs. Just use your computer to send faxes!

After taking a look at these benefits, you can clearly realize that using email to fax software is the best choice to send faxes easily and quickly and with many more advantages. Start using free internet fax today! - 15634

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Save Time and Buy a Pocket PC

By Tim Jackson

Helpful Guidelines on Buying Your First Pocket PC.

To help anyone thinking of buying a pocket pc, the information provided here should be considered a useful guide.

Smart Decision: The reason that you would want to buy a PPC even if it is as simple as just for fun's sake is fine as long as you will be able to determine your real purpose of buying. Before anything else, you have to realize your reasons why you wanted to own a PPC because if not, then you won't enjoy it once the package has arrived. If, in your daily activities or in business a PPC can really be efficient and reliable, then owning it can be worth it.

Learn More About its Capabilities: Once you are happy with your choice you will need to educate yourself about the many capabilities this tiny computer has that can benefit your life. Aside from the fact that you may want to purchase an item because it looks cool and fancy, other essential features should be considered first. Read articles about the different capabilities of the operating systems as this will help you better understand the importance of your Pocket PC. Educating yourself with things concerning PPC is a must since being an informed consumer can not only make you the smart consumer but also save you from worries and troubles of purchasing a product you know nothing of.

Communicate With Others: Communication is important to better understand and appreciate things. Different aspects about the product of your choice can be obtained from the company's forum page and in order for you to be informed of such things you need to ask questions regarding it. It is a good idea to establish contact with PPC manufacturers by having some friendly and intelligent conversation and asking them how beneficial their product is by means of contributing to your living by empowering your business. You can also ask other Pocket PC users on how the device is working and you are still educating yourself at the same time. Some users like to use free time management software on PPCs wile others prefer business management software.

Visiting Websites: There are now many product review sites that have in-depth reviews on almost every product where the reviewer does almost everything except take the product apart. Visiting review websites and going over their top picked categories can just save you from most of the uncertainties that a PPC can give you. These sites also provide an insight to all the latest gadgets and electronic devices that are available and often for those that are about to be released. Reviews can also give you ideas on how a particular device is doing in the industry. These websites can also give you some useful tips as to what you ought to do and not to do regarding the device.

Trying Your Local PC Specialist: One of the best things to do to look for a Pocket PC is by walking around the town. Go inside PPC shops and ask the attendant to assist you on the ideal device. Asking permission from the attendant to play with at least three to four models can just help you decide if comparing specifications of different models can't still satisfy you and it will also aid you in feeling what you might like best. Each model you look at will be different and they all have their good and bad aspects so what better way is there then seeing them all like this?

Aspects You Should Consider Before You Go Ahead and Purchase It: You may believe you have found your ideal model but wait a minute before you make that purchase. Search the Internet and look for similar models first, this will save you from a couple of bucks if you have found something similar and cheaper than the first one. Be careful though as some online traders sell returned items that are working perfectly fine but may have some damage or even come without any packaging whatsoever.

Get to Know How it Works and Make Use of it: Finally you can get to use it completely yourself but this means you will need to learn all it's capabilities otherwise it will be underused and a waste of money. PPC's are very versatile so the last thing you want to end up doing is only learning how to use the diary function so that you can control your social calendar. - 15634

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Acoustic guitar reviews to suit every budget

By Dom Artosa

Before buying a new acoustic guitar, be sure to check out some acoustic guitar reviews. Two kinds of reviews you'll find are ones written by experts who sample and play a wide variety of guitar, and reviews written by ordinary people who just want to give you an opinion about how the guitar works, sounds and feels to them.

An expert acoustic guitar review should be one that is written by someone who has had several years of guitar-related experience. The reviewer should also have several different models from several different manufacturers. The reviewer should be able to put aside personal preference and objectively point out a guitar's pros and cons. Should a bias be present, it should be admitted and explained. A degree in music is not necessary for evaluating acoustic guitars. Applicants should really know their stuff, and should be able to explain why their opinion is valid and should be taken into consideration when buying a new guitar.

If you want acoustic guitar reviews, you should look for a site that has multiple reviews of each guitar by many different musicians. Many music stores also have websites with user reviews. Each guitarist plays in different types of venues, different kinds of bands and has a unique style of music. A guitarist from a band that plays at wedding receptions has much different instrument preferences from a guitarist who plays in a rock band. Look for reviews for people who play in the same area that you do, or someday hope to.

There are a couple of tricks you can use when searching for acoustic guitar reviews by experts or users. One thing you can do is to put quotes around particular phrases like: "acoustic guitar reviews." When using Yahoo, this trick can reduce the number of hits from 17 million, when the search is performed without quotes, to a little over 6,000, when it is used with quotes.

A helpful hint when searching for individual acoustic guitar reviews, may work like this. If you are looking for reviews on Martin DX1 and put just martindx1, without quotes, in Yahoo search you will find approximately 38,000 hits. But, when you put quotes next to "martin dx1" there will be only approximately 10,000.

You can also use another little trick the next time you perform a search. If you put the plus sign (+) right next to a word you want in every hit, youll be able to narrow your search even more. Martin dx1 review will bring you about 9 hits and that is due to the fact that youre only seeing the sites that contain that exact phrase.

If you try something new by entering this- "martin dx1" into your search bar, you'll get upwards of 500 hits. To find something more specific, like the action on a particular guitar, you can add that to the query as long as you add a plus sign to it. Acoustic guitar reviews will be easier to find, which will make your decision easier if you take advantage of these two small search tips. - 15634

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Discover The Easy Way To Get Free PSP Games Downloads

By Dave Freeman

The PSP has already broken a lot of sales records and continues to find new fans every day. One of our favorite features is the ability to use free PSP game downloads instead of having to pay for each new game.

Since one of the most frequent questions we get from PSP owners is where you can find free PSP downloads, we thought it would be helpful to go over your options.

When you are looking for free PSP game downloads you have three main options:

Option #1

There are websites out there that claim that they have "free PSP downloads" that you can use on your PSP. Obviously this sounds perfect at first but there are a few things you should know before you hit that "download now" button.

It's important that you are cautious if you do try to download a game from one of these websites. There have been a good number of them that are now shut down for spreading viruses or spyware.

The biggest complaint we receive about these websites is that the downloads are incredibly slow and many of the games don't end up working. It's incredibly annoying having to wait over a day for something to finish downloading only to find out it doesn't even work.

These websites aren't monitored or properly maintained so we typically recommend staying away from them. They usually end up just being a headache in the longrun.

Option #2

This option will cost you a few bucks. You can find PSP game download 'membership' websites where you pay a monthly fee for access to all sorts of downloads (games, movies, TV shows etc).

If you are planning on downloading quite a few games each month, this is fairly good option. You will get download speeds that are much fast than the first option and you don't have to worry about viruses or spyware since these sites are monitored.

This option will make many people happy, but you should know there are even cheaper ways of getting PSP downloads.

Option #3

The final option here will let you find any game you want and is a lot less expensive than option #2.

This is similar to the second option we listed, but instead of having to pay a monthly fee you are only charged a 'one-time' membership fee. This one fee gets you unlimited game and movie downloads for the rest of the time you have your PSP.

Since the companies that run these websites are doing it to make a profit, they make sure that the downloads are fast and that the files always work. The websites have daily updates and you can find all the new releases or most popular games.

You can use the link at the bottom of this article if you want to learn how to get a free trial at a couple of the top ranked PSP download sites. The software needed to transfer PSP games onto your system is included and the setup only takes about 5 minutes.

Once you start downloading PSP games it's unlikely that you will ever buy a game from the store again. Downloading them saves you a lot of money and is also a lot more convenient.

As the PSP continues to grow in popularity, we can only imagine that more and more people will start to use free PSP game downloads to keep their system 'fully loaded' with the newest games and movies. It's the surefire way to make sure you never get bored! - 15634

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Differences of Article Submission Express and Article Submitter

By Brent Sweet

Article Submission Pro gloats that it submits to 150 directories for you. They also send your article out to a bunch of email subscribers who probably won't read it, let alone post it so it helps your SEO. Article Submission Express submits to 7000+ directories and ezines to quickly boost your SEO results.

Article Submitter Pro allows you to create and modify your article just like you can do in Microsoft Word. Article submission express does the exact same thing, and if you want to do it in a seperate application and then upload it to Article Submission Express then you can do that as well.

If you want to submit a bunch of duplicate content, you can pull an article right off your website with Article Submitter Pro. I supposed you could do that with Article Submission Express, also, but it won't help your site because the search engines won't count the duplicate articles.

Article Submitter Pro allows unlimited bio boxes. Article Submission express allows you as many as you want and will attach different ones to each article.

Article Submitter Pro allows you to create and store login information to their articles sites. Article Submission Express does not require you to login to article directories.

Article Submitter Pro allows you to select which directories you want to submit to. Article Submission Express selects the directories based on the topic of your article.

Article Submitter Pro is an excellent tool to eat up the resources on your computer while you watch it submit your articles in real time. Article Submission Express doesn't even work on your computer so you never have to watch anything work.

Article Submitter Pro will not submit to the same directory twice because of some filter it has. Article Submission Express will not duplicate submissions because it doesnt need to.

Article Submitter Pro has a great feature that will help you semi-automate the registration at article directories, then you can just go back and confirm through email all your registrations. Article Submission Express doesn't require you to register for any directories or answer any emails.

Article Submitter Pro will submit the same article over and over again to 150 directories so just one counts because of the duplicate content filter at Google. Article Submission Express submits a unique article to every single directory. - 15634

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Fashion Sewing For You

By Donna Trumble

Open up your favorite fashion magazine like Vogue or others, and take a good look. The fashion gurus are constantly reinventing, repackaging, and redefining the newest fashions. While it can be a challenge to keep up with all the changes, it can also be exciting and glamorous.

Even more incredible than seeing the newest styles, is making them. That is right. Those of us who sew have a unique opportunity to make our own exciting fashion statement. When we something we like, we can imitate it. When we get a flash of genius, all we have to do is enter our creative wonderland and sew together what we imagine. We can construct our own styles the way we want them. We can express ourselves in ways others can only wish.

Fashion changes so fast it can be dizzying. Every season brings fresh new styles. Magazines, shows, and advertizing put a spotlight on the new trends, but as fast as the new comes, the old fades away. Hmmm, how long has it been since your saw a double knit leisure suit?

King Solomon said, There is nothing new under the heavens. When it comes to fashion, he seems to be right on. A close look at the current fashions, reveals that designers resurrect features, styles, and trends of the past. They pick and choose to create new twists and turns to create fresh fashion styles. What stops you from doing the same thing? Nothing. You too can pick and choose from thousands of patterns to create your own fresh styles.

The hottest fashion trends can be yours. Pick and choose the styles you really like, because you can make them your own. Examine how the items are made, and imitate or create.

Be bold. Be confident. The possibilities are within your grasp. You can always buy a new pattern, use an older pattern, or take a class in doing your own pattern design. There is software available to help you design your personalized patterns including Dressmaker or My Design.

Just imagine all the fashion ingredients you could generate from your own sewing room. If you see something intriguing in a magazine, sew it up yourself. You are limited only by your minds eye. You can take standard items and make minor changes to create brand new effects. Change a collar, a sleeve, a cuff, or embellish with embroidery or appliqu. You could make your own glamour dress, jacket, suit, blouse, or accessory.

Consider all the possibilities. They are endless. You can start from scratch or take a ready to wear item and convert it to something amazing. Remember, the projects you sew can produce you own distinctive fashion statement.

If it takes more than a few hours, some of us never get done. So, frequently, I will buy a cheap ready to wear garment and then do my thing. Since most ready to wear does not fit my body, I usually have to make some adjustments anyway. So, I do. With a touch of decorative threads, metallic embellishment, sparkles, changing a collar, or even embroidery, I take ordinary and turn it into extraordinary. As sewers, we can choose to design and sew from scratch or to transform a stock item. Either way, we are able to produce our own distinctive fashions.

Sometimes the newest fashions, can be made by recycling stuff already in the closet. By making some alterations, adding some distinctive embellishment, or just using the item in a fresh new way; we produce our new style. It is so exciting when friends respond, Wow, how much did that cost? It is so much fun being the envy of my friends.

What about color? The department stores cycle through different colors and styles based on what they think will sell. One year I wanted to buy a light green dress, but found the stores were in a blue cycle. There were no green dresses. But, I sew. So, I quickly put together my own fashion green. Now I didnt, but I could have even died my own fabric if I had wanted to. Color make a big difference. A touch here or there changes everything.

For me, sewing offers me my own little world. When I sew, if feel relaxed and at peace. I get so many creative ideas, I run out of time. Nothing makes me feel better than to have people complement my sewing. When it comes to fashion, I am in charge. I can create my own styles using the colors, textures, and designs I prefer. Sewing is a wonderful experience.

When you see that skirt at Dillards for $220, ask yourself, Could I make that? And then give yourself the answer you know is true. Yes, you can. Not only can you sew it, you can do it a much less cost. You can probably even improve on it. Then imagine the thrill when you over year your friends say, She must have spent a fortune.

Unlike the cast iron workhorses of ages past, the modern sewing machine is fun and easy to use. It has so many convenience features and sews so smoothly, that sewing our own styles is a pleasure. The satisfaction we gain cannot be measured. The supports and resources available to help us create and produce our own styles make it easier than ever. So, lets do it. Lets create. Lets sew our own styles. - 15634

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How Much Should One Expect to Pay for Prescription Glasses?

By Amy Nutt

Prescription glasses are not a cheap item, no matter how you look at it. When you buy glasses, you have to pay both for lenses and frames, not to mention the cost of the exam itself. If you need glasses, knowing how much to expect to pay ahead of time is very helpful.

The Cost of Frames Varies

The cost of the frames for your prescription glasses varies tremendously from pair to pair. Designer frames can cost several hundred dollars. For that price you get designer frames that would be the envy of any Hollywood star. You can also buy more affordable frames at discount prices for around $50 or less. Online merchants make it possible to get frames for even less, sometimes close to $20.

There are some special features that can increase the cost of frames. For instance, frames made out of a titanium-based allow known as Flexon are able to return to their normal shape after being damaged. These are great for people who work in high-impact jobs or play sports on a regular basis, but they also cost more. This lightweight, corrosion-resistant material is very popular, making it very popular, and therefore more expensive.

The most affordable frames are plastic frames, but again, designer models will cost more. There are many different metals used to make eyeglass frames as well. High-end frames are often made out of titanium or aluminum, creating a polished look. Monel is the most common metal used in eyeglass frames.

The Cost of Lenses

Frames are not the only things that cost a lot when you are buying eyeglasses. Lenses also contribute to the price of your glasses. Single prescription lenses come in a variety of materials and with several coating options, and each of these adds to the cost.

The cheapest option for your lenses is plastic. Plastic lenses are lightweight and fairly durable, but they do scratch easily. You will pay more to get a scratch-resistant coating on these glasses, but you may find that it pays for itself by making your glasses last longer. You will also pay more if you need special features like slim lenses, which are often necessary if you have a strong prescription.

Polycarbonate is another option you have for your frames. These are lightweight and provided added UV protection, but they cost more than plastic. If you have a strong prescription and wear your glasses all of the time, the lighter weight and UV protection may make the cost worthwhile.

If you have bifocals or trifocals, your lenses will cost even more. Remember, these glasses are basically two or three pairs of glasses in one pair of lenses. Other additional features, such as glasses that darken when you go in the sun or glasses with a glare resistant coating, will increase the cost. On average, frame can cost between $50 and $300, depending on what you choose for them.

Options for Saving Money

Since a pair of glasses could cost as much as $400, depending on the frames you choose and the lenses you need, you are probably wondering how you can save money on them. One option is to shop online. But cutting out a lot of the overhead that a brick and mortar retailer has, online retailers can offer the same lenses and designer frames for a much more reasonable price. Look for a site that has a money back offer, however, because you do not want to be stuck with a shoddy pair of glasses by a less-than-scrupulous company.

Another option is to shop at a 'big box' retailer. Discount stores like Wal-Mart and warehouse stores often have optical departments. These locations typically have a lower cost for their materials because they buy in such tremendous quantities, so you will save money. Remember, you have options if you shop around, so take your time to find an affordable eye care provider. - 15634

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Outfit your Bridesmaids with a Cool Outfit

By Jamie Lynn Henderson

Does your hair have more than a little gray? If so you might be appalled when you take out your wedding album and catch site of what you dressed your bridesmaids in. You know, bridesmaid dresses do not have to be overdone, over themed, and garish? These days, brides are treating their bridesmaids to dresses that are stylish, fashionable, and fabulous enough to be worn again in the future.

I guess the first issue has to do with the dress length. While some brides still prefer that is no longer your only choice. Today many bridesmaid dresses are cocktail or knee length. But please - no mini dresses - most gals don't look good in them. Another element that has changed is color. You can now select any color that looks good and supports your wedding theme. You know, even black is just fine for an evening, fall or winter wedding.

In addition to the length of the dress, consider its cut. Good choices include, strapless or a low back style. Think classic cuts on a shorter length and you cannot go wrong.

Next consider what fabric you want. Typically fabrics for today's bridesmaid dresses typically are drape well. Popular choices include chiffon, silk, and polyester blends. You may even use classics like a super light wool or linen.

Of course, most gals like to adorn a fine dress with the right jewelry. To ensure you select something your bridesmaids will like, you will need to choose wisely. When you browse for bridesmaid jewelry accessories, your keep in mind what works with the dress and fits with the woman wearing it. You do not need each bridesmaid wearing the same jewelry but it should have a consistent theme. jewelry items you give to each bridesmaid should be pieces that they will enjoy, such as long crystal earrings and pendants. For the perfect finishing touches, think about fashionable wedges, beaded or fabric clutches, and a short jacket for cooler weather.

The bridesmaid dresses that you select should compliment your wedding theme. Casual dresses are perfect for weddings held outdoors or beach weddings. They would not look good in large traditional church weddings. Keep in mind that the dresses you choose should also suit your bridesmaids - all of them. If your friends are fairly young you can choose just about any style and it will look great. On the other hand, if your attendants are a bit older, they might end up feeling rather uncomfortable in a choice that is a bit too far out there.

Ultimately, the wedding attendant dresses that you choose are a reflection of you. If you gravitate towards what is contemporary, then your bridesmaid dresses follow suit. The perfect bridesmaid dresses will be an important component of your wedding info and be captured in photos for forever! - 15634

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Discover The Secrets To Managing A Successful AdWords Campaign

By Brian Basch

It is not hard to begin an Adwords campaign, but running a successful one is an entirely different matter. There is a world of difference between an Adword campaign that is going nowhere and one that is successful. The difference can be translated into one word, money! It is an undeniable fact that a failing campaign can cost you a lot of money, which would otherwise have been spent on developing your business.

How can you stop your hard earned money from being eaten up? The answer is transparent; you will need to pay attention to every detail of your Adwords campaign. Firstly you will need to take care when you choose your keywords, secondly be careful when you bid. But above all you will need to micro-manage your campaigns.

It is quite hard to select the right keywords. You will need to be sure that you have the right mix of broad based keywords and specialized ones. On the one hand they must generate traffic on the other hand they must produce sales. This will prevent you from incurring huge losses.

You will find many resources and tools at the Googgle Adwords site, to assist you with your keywords for your Adwords campaign. Marketers will be able to discover in demand keywords, and a wide variety of different related keywords to help with their advertising campaigns.

Many marketers do not know that pay per click marketing is really just like a large auction, with the person placing the highest bid winning the prize. The advertiser, will offer the best price for a keyword and be the highest bidder. In this case the prize is the best position, which will gain the most exposure.

It is common knowledge that searchers have short attention spans. Because of this you will need to create and ad that is simple to read, gets your message across and is in a premier position. If your ad is just one of many in the search results then you will see little or no results. However even if an ad draws a lot of traffic, it can still only bring in useless leads, which makes it equally ineffective. The main idea is to try to maintain a precise balance.

Monitoring your campaign is the key to the success of your Adwords campaign. Thisis made easier by the fact that Google provides tracking tools to do this. You can track the traffic and even sales that are generated by each keyword in your campaign. this makes adjustments to your campaign easy to do.

If you are determined to succeed with your Adwords campaign you will need to monitor it. Google provides good tracking tools from the very beginning of your campaign. They will help you assess each one of your keywords. This enables you to make changes to a failing campaign. - 15634

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Can You Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend Again?

By Filipina Kisses

How do you bring an ex boyfriend back into your life? Yes, you can try to win back together and make it work. Of course, if you really love your ex boyfriend, then you must try to save your relationship. You see, if it's meant for you, it will really come back to you.

Having a second chance at love is an opportunity you cannot miss and it is also much more sweeter. But you also have to make sure you still have feelings for your ex and you are really sincere in your intentions.

What are the reasons you broke up? Find reasons for your ex boyfriend to come back to you. Let your ex boyfriend see that you are worth a second chance at love.

There must still be an attraction between the two of you before this could work. If you know your ex boyfriend is still attracted to you, then you have a good chance of winning your ex boyfriend back. Work on those attraction but in a subtle way.

If you were compatible together, then this is good. It means that you have common interests you both like.

How do you get an ex boyfriend back? Things that you should never do is to beg and plead for your ex boyfriend to come back to you. Don't threaten your ex boyfriend like you are going to hurt yourself. You have to be careful on your methods on how to win your ex boyfriend back. Play up the good parts, your attraction, compatibility, what you know could be the reason of the break up, change and improve on those things.

You should give your ex boyfriend some time. Don't call or text him a hundred times a day just because you are sad. This could irritate your ex boyfriend. He needs time too.

Find guaranteed ways on winning your ex boyfriend back. Read some effective win ex back tips here: How to Get My Ex Boyfriend Back - 15634

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LJ James reviews "Sons Of Anarchy"

By LJ James

I have just finished watching the second episode of the new FX show "Son's of Anarchy". I have been a fan of the FX Show "The Shield" for years and I have to say, I have enjoyed "Sons of Anarchy" so far. The show has cool bikes and lots of action!

As a Member of an Outlaw Motorcycle Club, I can see many mistakes already in the show. One thing that really surprised me is how people have reacted to the show and me personally. People who know I'm a member of a Motorcycle Club are asking me, "You guys aren't really like that, are you?" Most of these people have known me for years! Now after a couple of episodes of "Sons of Anarchy" their wondering if I'm leading some kind of double life.

Can you imagine if a show about criminal killer Florists came out? How many people would ask the local florist if they where really like that? One fact of life about being a Biker I have come to except is, it's real easy for people to think of Bikers as the bad guys. It's always been that way. I wonder how many Cops had people ask them the same question when the Shield came out? I also wonder how many Police Officers who watch the Shield and know that show is fiction will watch "Sons of Anarchy" and think that's how Motorcycle Clubs really are! The show "Sons of Anarchy" is fiction and it is way over the top.

Son's of Anarchy is going to shine a bright light into the Motorcycle Club world. Where as the last ten years have been all about Custom Motorcycle Builders and has led to a lot of people getting into Motorcycle Riding, I believe the next ten years will be all about Motorcycle Clubs. Now this show could be a great thing for Motorcycle Clubs if, in-between all the fictional action, it also focuses on the bond of Brotherhood Motorcycle Clubs are really based on.

Although there is opportunity for "Sons of Anarchy" to make a positive statement about Motorcycle Clubs, I have a feeling the show will have a negative impact on Clubs, Independent Bikers, and the Motorcycle Community in general. All they would have to do is highlight the good stuff Motorcycle Clubs do and the positive impact that they have on their communities, I don't think that is the way the program will go.

All Motorcycle Clubs are going to need to keep their eyes wide open and watch any new prospects. MCs need to make sure that new prospects are there for the Brotherhood and betterment of the Club and the community, not to live out some misguided fantasy they may have seen on TV or in some Movie. Another big concern of mine is people who will just go out and throw on a set of patches and think they are the "Sons of Anarchy". The Motorcycle Club world is all about Respect and there is a serious protocol that is followed by all Clubs. I would not recommend violating that protocol in any way.

Motorcycle Clubs have spent the past 20 years working hard to shake the old biker gang stereotype of the 60's and 70's. Now that we have come close to accomplishing our goal, shows like "Sons of Anarchy" and the upcoming HBO show 1% are here to drag our image back into the muck. How far will these shows set us back? I would ask the producers of these shows, there sponsors, and everyone else out there to please remember that Brotherhood is what the Motorcycle Club world is truly about.

Your Bro, L.J. James AmericanBikerX. com - 15634

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How a Knife Set Sharpener Can Help

By Moses Harun

There are many pieces of a knife set that can be enjoyed, including the different types of knives that come with the set and storage unit. One of the better extras that is included in many different sets is the sharpener. Many sets will feature sharpeners that are part of the storage area for the knives. A knife set sharpener can form a great addition to any set.

A sharpener is meant to be used to make you knives blades amazingly keen and strong. With time, everyday usage can cause the blades to turn weak and lose their edge. Due to this fact, it can be more of a chore to properly manage the ingredients that require chopping. When the knives need to be used, it is important to know that if they are dull it will be tougher to manage them. You can use your new sharpener on the Wusthof Santoku Knife.

What's more is that while a number of groups say that their blades never require sharpening, this is probably not true for many of these sets. Due to this fact, it will be important to buy a great sharpener for the set.

The sharpener will likely be one of the knife set pieces that is used most often. The sharpener works in a simple to use way. The sharpener is made of open area for the user to stick a knife into. The knife can be inserted in the correct direction so that it will be easy to get the knife to be properly sharpened. The knife will need to be slipped in and out of the sharpener in slow, regular movements. This is because all of the edges on the knife may be nicely sharpened; in the end, it will be nice to have such sharp blades on your knives.

Most of the time, the sharpener will turn out to be built into the set itself. This is true when the sharpener is embedded in the storage area for the knives. It will be effortless to in and out of the sharpener because the sharpener that is meant for a particular knife set will, of course, be made to work specifically with the knives that come with that set.

In other cases, the sharpener can be found packaged with the whole set, but but has not been attached directly to the storage area. Along with your new sharpener, you can get the highly recommended Wusthof Santoku Knife.

A knife set sharpener is one of your favorite components of a knife set. A sharpener helps keep your knife blades sharp and properly working. The sharpener can be used so that the knives have the capacity to work properly and that they will be ready for any kitchen needs. - 15634

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Beauty Tips - Are They Worth Your Money?

By Maia Hagen

Are you interested in improving your appearance? If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as well as how to properly apply it? If you are, you may have turned to the internet or to fashion magazines, but have you ever thought about buying a beauty book? If you haven't or even if you have, you may be wondering whether or not beauty books are really worth the money.

When it comes to determining whether or not beauty books are worth the money, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration. For instance, beauty books come in a number of different formats. If you are looking for something in particular, like how to properly apply and remove makeup, you may be able to find a beauty book that specializes solely on those tasks. Beauty books that are right to the point and contain the information that you are looking are the best and they are definitely worth your money.

In addition, when perplexing to establish if beauty books have been value a buy, we will wish to away inspect any book which we have been meddlesome in buying. Books might cover same topics, though a report inside of them might be presented in opposite ways. For instance, if we were seeking to buy a beauty book which summarized a correct ways to request makeup, we expected wish to see drawings or pictures; right? Just so we know, not all beauty guides enclose minute cinema or drawings. Which is because it is critical which we sense as most as we can about a beauty book prior to last to buy one?

Although the beauty book or books that you would like to buy are important in determining if the book or books are the worth your money, so is the location in which you buy them from. You should know that beauty books can be found at an unlimited number of different locations. For starters, you can buy beauty books from your local bookstores, beauty supply stores, department stores, and fashion stores. In addition to storefront locations, you can also buy beauty books from a number of online retailers. You will want to think comparing prices first to ensure that you are getting the best deal or at least to make sure that you aren't being overcharged.

If we have been meddlesome in shopping a beauty book, though we have been additionally upon a parsimonious budget, we might wish to consider about shopping used books. There have been a series websites, together with online auction websites, where we can buy used books, together with used beauty books. Also, if we similar to attend back yard sales or book sales, we might wish to consider about gripping your open for beauty books. Back yard sales, preservation stores, as good as online auction websites mostly concede we to get a used book for fifty or even seventy-five percent off a normal asking price.

The preference as to where we wish to buy a beauty book from, as good as which book we would similar to buy is yours to make. With which in mind, however, it is critical to have certain which we know just what we have been buying. Just shopping a beauty book but skimming by a book initial or celebration of the mass online reviews is roughly regularly a sure-fire approach to be met with beating or even finish up wasting your money. - 15634

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Swipe File Secrets

By John Anghelache

The late, Gary C. Halbert, is my favorite copywriting mentor. Not only was he ultra-successful but he could teach the art and science of crafting ad copy like nobody's business.

A great lesson Gary taught was how to use winning advertising and business models. Instead of creating your own from scratch. Pretend you decide to write a special report on horse racing.

How could you make things easy on yourself?

Should you study weight loss science? Should you spend years doing clinical trials? Should you roam the world looking for the perfect diet plan or diet pill? Well not really. Because there is a much easier way to access the most cutting edge weight loss science, clinical trials and new diet breakthroughs. Without doing all the work yourself. Curious? Then listen to this.

Instead of doing things the hard way, Gary would recommend you go out and buy the top selling books and ebooks on dieting. Then you clam up in your office or the library and read. While reading jot down notes. Lots of them. And take out all of the unique, exclusive dieting tips, tricks and secrets in each of those best sellers.

Armed with this research you write your version of a health and fitness book. Only this book has all the great info from the other books you read. The exclusive details that bring value to your book. The end product is a book filled with the very best information on health and fitness.

That's the way to do it.

You can do the same thing when creating advertising. In fact, this works great if you have to craft a sales message on the fly for any kind of media.

The formal name for this strategy is... swiping ads. And it really does make it easier. Back in 1996, Gary taught a little bit about swiping during a seminar in Florida. The main focus of the seminar was on swiping great ads for your own promotions.

You do not have to become a great copywriter to swipe. Learn to do it the right way and a lot of obstacles to creating advertising that works will disappear.

Do that and you'll experience these benefits...

** You'll eliminate writer's block forever. Because now youll access a starting point for your ads. You wont be guessing at what to write. The swipes reveal exactly what to write in your ads to make them effective and responsive.

** You'll write promotions at warp speed. Swiping allows you to write faster. Again, part of the reason is because you wont have to guess. You can look at a great ad and almost fill in the blanks with your copy.

** The ads you write could be three times more responsive. Think about it. You are essentially modeling success. When you do that success is on your side.

So the idea is to build a swipe file and use it when creating ads. - 15634

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Why And When To Buy A Tuxedo

By Victor Santerino

Rental tuxedos are much more prevalent than consumer owned tuxedos. However, many people should really be purchasing their tuxedos rather than renting them.

This article was written to help people learn why they may need to buy a tuxedo rather than rent it. Upon finishing this article you can decide for yourself what must be done.

The first thought you should broach is, how frequently do I make use of rental tuxedos. After asking yourself this question, you may find that you wear a tuxedo more than once every other year. This means you really need to buy a tuxedo.

The cost of a tuxedo is dramatically less than the inexperienced buyer believes. The reality is that most people will make money by purchasing instead of renting.

Accessories usually don't even need to be purchased in their entirety. The belt, black dress shoes, and even dress shirts can be found near your suit.

The act of renting is worth the initial investment in a purchase itself. Imagine the process of going to a vendor a minimum of three times for each event that you need a tux.

The pride of possession is a stupendous feeling that can only be achieved through a purchase. This feeling will lead you to look and feel more confident in your owned tuxedo than your rented tuxedo.

I hope this article has been some use to you. Please bookmark this page and recommend it to your friends and family members. - 15634

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The Map Of Every SAP Components and SAP Modules

By Austin Price

Every company has numerous divisions, and it is essential to integrate every of these departments to work uniformly. SAP software integrates all interior processes by means of various modules. The advance SAP technology enables R/3 to handle business management operations throughout every of the sections of the company. Whatever change in the organisational structure can be easy mirrored by the SAP technology, and it allows space for the expansion. Both decentralization and centralization of operations can be complete efficiently if the company has put in SAP software. Regardless of the size of the business, SAP serves the organisation to organize all its business activities.

Components of SAP

Equally with whatever software system, SAP has a introductory system also known as the kernel. This is the engine of the whole R/3 system accountable for carrying out all functionalities. The screen interpreter checks user input and displays error messages. This takes the input fed to the system and transfers the input to the ABAP/4 interpreter. This interpreter executes the instructions written in ABAP/4 programming language which was used to develop SAP. The SAP system also has a data dictionary for storing all types of definitions used in various modules. Flow control is handled by as a separate component which maintains perfect data flow inside the system. Interfaces connect the software with the outside environment enabling communication between the user and the system.

Modules of SAP

For any business, logistics, accounting, and human resources are the three essential departments carrying out the entire business process. SAP has separate modules for each of these departments and these modules help the organization to execute the business management tasks. SAP enables customization, making the software suitable for any organizing doing any type of business.

Logistic modules

The business processes like sales and distribution handling (SD), material management (MM), production planning (PP), plant maintenance (PM), and quality management (QM) are taken care of by logistic modules. Any organization will require most of these modules if not all. Materials used for production are handled by the MM module. PP and PM modules ensure that the production process works as required. QM module is used to handle quality assurance of the product. The ultimate aim of any organization is to sell its products and hence, SD module is an important module in the SAP system.

Accounting modules

Accounting is important for an organization and the SAP accounting modules automate the accounts department. The FI module handles all accountings like ledgers, balance sheets, and profit and loss statements. Asset management is also carried out by the FI module. The controlling functionality is carried out by the CO module which controls not only the costs but also the objectives of the company. Enterprise controlling (EC) module takes care of integration of company information and external markets to devise efficient marketing strategy.

Human resources modules

Among the various departments, the HR department is crucial for an organization. The personal administration (PA) module of the SAP system takes care of maintaining the records of all the staff. Any department can get access to these data and this module makes the updated data available throughout the system. The personnel planning and development (PD) module incorporates all that is essential for managing the man power of the organization. - 15634

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Active Directory At A Glance

By Anne Durrell

Active Directory was brought to the world by Microsoft. This is actually a service that is trademarked by the multi-billion dollar company.

This is one of the fundamental as well as vital parts to the whole structural design of the ever-popular Microsoft Windows operating systems that are existing on the marketplace these days

The Active Directory component works to help in the zone of administration when it arrives to the network that the working classification is part of.

If your house or enterprise applies a network that is considered to be a "distributed" one, then Active Directory is working in the background.

Active Directory was first integrated into the popular Windows Server marked "2000". In the Server by Windows that was identified as "2003", it was made a bit more enhanced. This directory assists in the moderation of the components of a network.

This enclose the clients agreements and ease of access stage the printers as well as previous peripherals on the network, along with several other supplies.

Active Directory is important to guarantee that the network is effectively guarded along with operating correctly in relation to the policies on that network. If you willing to secure the files along with erstwhile items on the network in your place, or the network in your business, Active Directory is the style to go! - 15634

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Tattoo Finder Tip: Choosing the Right Tattoo Parlor

By Ben Swank

Considering the advancements made in tattoo removal technology, many would-be tattoo customers mistakenly believe that they can always change their minds later, and cover up or entirely remove a tattoo at will. Unfortunately, this is just not the case. Laser removal is unreliable at present, leaving differing colors in differing degrees of fading, and scarring is very common. So while you might be eager to get your new ink, take your time and make and an informed, lifelong decision.

1) First and foremost, do your research. There's no sense even looking into the tattoo artists or the cleanliness of the environment unless the parlor itself comes highly rated. This is much easier than it sounds, as you're not really trying to find the best parlor at the stage; instead, you're trying to weed out the worst.

2) Ask around. Chances are that your friends and acquaintances have tattoos and you can ask about their experiences. Of course, if their tattoos are awful, don't bother asking! Surprisingly, even strangers are open to talking about their tattoos. After all, they are visible, so their owners want them to be noticed, and they're impersonal enough that few people take offense to questions. And it's a great way to meet people to boot.

Once you have personal recommendations, do some web searches for each of the specific parlor names. Search for phrases like "tattoo-shop-name complaints," "tattoo-shop-name sucks," etc.

Your local independent paper is another good source of referrals. Tattoo shops very often advertise to these audiences, and if the ads are recurring, odds are very high that the shop is favored in the community.

3) Do your safety checks. Now that you have a shortlist of potential providers, visit each of the shops. You're looking at safety and cleanliness at this point.

* When working with customers, do the tattooists wear gloves? * Do they wash their hands between tattoos? * Is smoking prohibited in the studio? Is the parlor licensed? * Is the studio free of dirt and debris, i.e. is it clean? * Do the artists pull their needles from the autoclave (sterilizing equipment) prior to each tattoo? * Are single-use supplies used during a session? For example, look for things like disposable ink cups, fresh needles, and the like? * Is each client shaved and properly disinfected prior to beginning work? * Are spray bottles and other hand-held equipment wrapped in plastic bags (prevents cross contamination)?

4) Find an artist. If you're satisfied that the shop is clean, it's time to look for a specific artist. This is a matching process. While most artists are very versatile, if you're looking for a skull tattoo, wouldn't it make more sense to get it from someone who specializes in skulls? Often by looking through the art books in the parlor, you can get a feel for the style of each artist.

Tattoo studios receive a lot of walk-in traffic that is just shopping around or browsing through books, and many people getting tattoos get art that the tattooists find a bit boring. So don't expect the artists to bend over backwards to accommodate you, but they should still be friendly, helpful, and offer advice without pushing your decision. Most good, qualified artists know that informed clients make satisfied clients.

If you feel that you are being pushed into something that you don't like, or if the artist is dismissive of your questions, you might need to move on. Many experienced artists prefer working on intricate, large designs, so you might just fall under their radar. It's nothing to worry about: there is someone out there perfect for your tattoo.

5) Don't price it. Keep in mind that this tattoo will be with you for decades, making the cost per wear minimal. Don't try to save a few bucks and risk ending up with a tattoo that is less than optimal. The risk just isn't worth it. I'm sure there are some cases of price gouging out there, but I've never personally experienced them or talked to anyone who has. Just spend the money -- the peace of mind is worth it.

6) Choose your location. Sensitive areas and areas closer to bone tend to be more painful, but you shouldn't let pain determine your tattoo's location. Hip tattoos are very popular, as well as lower-back and shoulder tattoos. Growing in popularity are hand tattoos and foot tattoos, while the old standbys like arm tattoos are still going strong.

7) Choose your design. Similar to pricing your tattoo, don't settle for any old design you find in their books. With the abundance of tattoo designs available in online galleries, there is no reason you can't find the perfect tattoo for your skin. Your best option is to make use of a quality tattoo finder to browse designs. You'll be able to find and download artwork, and see real life pictures of what the tattoos look like on people. - 15634

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Using InDesign's Book Command

By Carol Alexander

Each you choose New from the File menu in Adobe InDesign, you may have noticed the option to create a new book without ever knowing exactly what a book is. Well, in fact, books are a really useful feature: they allow you to take a series of related InDesign document and process them as a single entity called a book. All documents in the book can then share the same resources such as paragraph and character styles, swatches, master pages, sections and page numbering.

Once you've created a book, by choosing File-New-Book, the Book panel is displayed. It contains a panel menu with all the options necessary for managing a book. The first task is to add some documents to the book: from the Book panel menu, choose "Add Document" and select the documents you want to be treated as part of the book. The book panel will now act as a launch pad for each of the documents it contains: simply double-click a document to open it.

When the book file is saved, the book becomes a separate entity to the documents it contains and the documents in a book do not have to reside in the same location as the book or as each other. To save a book, choose Save Book in the Book panel menu.

Next, you need to specify which of the documents in the book will be treated as the style source. The document elected as the style source will be used as the master document in the process known as synchronisation whereby InDesign replaces the styles and colour swatches of all documents in the book with those in the style source document.

To set page numbering across the whole book, choose Book Page Numbering Options in the Book panel menu. The default is "Automatically Update Page & Section Numbers": this will cause InDesign to number pages in the documents within the book according to the order in which they are listed in the Book panel.

Books are a great tool for division of labour since the fact that a document is part of a book does not stop it from being a regular InDesign document. If a book contains five documents, five different people can work on each of those documents and then, at the end, the whole book can be preflighted, printed and output as PDF as a single unit.

Both indexes and tables of contents can also be generated for an entire book as well as for a single document. Simply design and create the table of contents or index in the normal way but activate the option "Include Book Documents". - 15634

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Ordering Vegetarian at Restaurants

By Ros Harlot

Mentioning you are a vegetarian as part of a conversation on health issues is still guaranteed to bring about a silence, even in today's world. If you are thinking of following vegetarian diet for certain causes - religious belief, health reason, economic reason, animal rights - you will often face a barrage of uninformed arguments from skeptical relatives and friends. You may want to consider a vegetarian diet for improving and maintaining your physical, mental and spiritual health. Unfortunately, there are some nutrients that can only be obtained from animals despite a vegetarian diet being a healthy one.

You will probably be aware that putting your child on a vegetarian diet can greatly improve his or her health and limit the exposure to animal products that are often linked to hormones and preservatives. While a vegetarian diet is a healthy one, there are other issues to consider when placing a child on a vegetarian diet so some research is necessary.

A vegetarians diet with involves regular servings of fruit, vegetables and whole grains is known to be healthy. It's this healthy consumption of fruit and vegetables etc. Another of the advantages to the vegetarian diet is that it tends to be low in fat and cholesterol.

The higher than usual amounts of fiber found in a vegetarian diet means that it doesn't stay in your system for as long nor does it take as long for the food to be produced initially. History and archaeology has shown us that our ancestors hardly ever ate meat so being a vegetarian would be normal for us. Although a vegetarian option is usually on the menu in almost any Italian restaurant nowadays, it's always a good idea to remind the server that you require a vegetarian option and whether or not you eat dairy products and eggs.

We now have some interesting facts about the vegetarian diet, brought about by medical research. Increasing numbers of the population are deciding to become vegetarians owing to the scientific research highlighting the detrimental effects meat has on us. There is also the fact that you are twice as likely to develop heart disease if you are not a vegetarian. Although exact figures are difficult to produce, a large proportion of the population decide at some point in their life to become vegetarian if only temporarily.

But more and more people these days are discovering the many health benefits of a vegetarian diet as would seem to solve many health problems in the United States today. Eating meat is quite normal and enjoyable to many people so you can understand the difficulty there is in converting people to a vegetarian diet. For a successful change to occur though, you must not consider a vegetarian diet as just a replacement for a meat based diet. - 15634

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Best Way for Diamond selection

By Rich Vial

Clarity is one of four ways to determine the true purity of a diamond. This describes the absence or presence of flaws that are seen on the inside or outside of a diamond. Diamond clarity is determined by the number, size, nature and location of any imperfections. It is rare to find a diamond that has perfect clarity as more the diamond will have clarity will lead to have more pocket budget to have that diamond purchased for your wife.

Color is a major characteristic that is considered when determining a diamonds purity and value. This describes the amount of color a diamond contains. Diamonds are not all truly colorless, but it's the colorless diamonds, sometimes called white diamonds, which all other shades are judged against. These colors range from colorless to yellow with slight tints of gray and brown. The fancier colors of brown, blue, green, pink and red are rarer and therefore more valuable and more costly too for you pocket to purchase them.

Cut is the term often given to diamonds to check its proportions such as depth, width and uniformity of its facets. These characteristics control the brilliance, durability and other features that we look for in a diamond. The proportions of width and depth have a large impact on diamond brilliance. This brilliance is the reflection of white light that we see when we look at a diamond. The beauty of a diamond is determined by the quality of the cut. Diamonds with incredible color and clarity will not display the sparkle if the cut is not perfect, so that all components interact with the light as they should.

Carat is the unit of weight for diamonds. This weight is calculated by being subdivided in 100 points (0.01 carat = l point). The larger the carat the higher the value of the diamond. This is because larger diamonds occur less frequently. A one carat stone is rarer and more valuable than two half carat diamonds taken together. Diamonds that are just under the weight of a full carat are less expensive than diamonds that pass the full carat hurdle.

Diamonds are always been treated as most famous jewelery element in eyes of female but for you as a husband it might be not a easily affordable thing to purchase to give your lover or wife as diamonds are symbol of wealth and richness thus they are not easily affordable for a medium range family care taker. - 15634

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Dirty Dancing Tickets With Amazing Grace

By Matt Ryan

When this low budget film, with a cast of unknown actors and actresses, came out in 1987, it took a whole lot of critics and moviegoers by surprise and by storm. The amazing part is that it manages to surprise and delight audiences to this day. This film has brought in more than three hundred million dollars from all over the world, and set a record in home video sales as the first to sell more than a million copies. The soundtrack produced two multi-platinum albums and a huge number of singles.

For those of us who watched Dirty Dancing on the big screen when it was first released, watching it today is almost heartbreakingly nostalgic. The story takes place, after all, in 1963, "before Kennedy was assassinated", and when it seemed the world retained its innocence. Jennifer Grey plays Frances Houseman, known to everyone as "Baby", and not minding it at all. Patrick Swayze is Johnny Castle, the street punk who has the moves as the dance instructor at the resort.

The dancing and all its side effects take place at a resort in the Catskills, where the Houseman family is taking a summer vacation. Baby's father is Dr. Houseman, physician to the rather sycophantic owner of Kellerman's Resort. His wife and Baby's older sister, Lisa, are relatively minor characters but each contributes to the subplot of the film. Baby's fascination with the dance instructor, Johnny Castle, and his partner Penny gets her and her family involved with "those people", and the fun begins.

Johnny Castle is very much a ladies' man, but until he meets Baby, he has only been using and being used by women. When his dance partner gets a botched abortion, unknowingly financed by Dr. Houseman at Baby's insistence, and she has to call her father to save the dancer's life, the doctor assumes that Johnny is the guilty party and forbids his daughter to have anything further to do with "those people".

Baby has done what she believes is the right thing, but it causes a painful rift between her Dad and her growing understanding of herself. She finds herself offering to stand in for Penny, mostly so Johnny won't lose his "gig". With some really intense lessons from the pro, they develop a pretty stunning routine of their own. Yes, Baby falls in love.

Meanwhile, the Foxtrot and badminton go on, but other dramas are playing out. Lisa confides to Baby that she's planning to "go all the way" with Robbie. Baby knows that Robbie is the father of Penny's aborted child, but their father thinks Johnny is the culprit. When Johnny is accused of theft by one of his many female "conquests" - she's seen him with Baby - he is assumed guilty by almost everyone. Baby knows, and this time Frances tells the truth. Frances, as Johnny tells her, is "a grown-up name".

Dirty Dancing, with all the sensual and provocative dance scenes between Baby/Frances and Johnny, is really about innocence and growing up. Father and daughter gain a new understanding, and Baby begins the process of becoming the woman she was meant to be. The rousing finale, when Johnny makes a decision and pulls Baby out of her corner and into the spotlight, is downright thrilling to watch. In front of Housemans, Kellermans and everyone else, the two of them bring Dirty Dancing to its finest hour!

Dirty Dancing is basically a simple, romantic love story, with just enough supporting characters and interwoven plot lines to keep it interesting. When the forces of stodginess and intolerance show up, they are ultimately and emphatically overwhelmed by the forces of love and fair play. The realistically choreographed dance scenes are a powerful force in themselves, but everything comes together for a rousing happy ending.

The movie translates well into the Broadway stage production also. The stage musical adaptation of Dirty Dancing has played to enthusiastic theatre goers in Germany, England, Canada and even Australia, and is still showing in London. If you move fast you can still see the touring production of the musical in Boston, but it is scheduled to close March 15th of this year. If you haven't caught this show in a theatre or on stage, you ought to get the video - it's too good to miss! - 15634

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Kid Express - Kid Express Shoes for 2009

By Johnson Kidspress

If you are looking for quality and affordability, combined with fashion and style, you have come to the right place. The Kid Express line up is the perfect blend, providing you with quality garments for you loved ones at bargain prices. The Kid Express line up covers the clothing needs of all, including babies and kids. Here, at Pure and Honest Kids, you can find the ideal outfit for your new born along with the perfect dress for your little Princess, and all of this can be done in a matter of minutes, saving you time and effort. So be smart and find exactly what you are looking for in the Kid Express Collection through Pure and Honest Kids, bringing you so much more.

Your young lady is just going to love the Kid Express Atelier De La Mode Hooded Poncho Set, after all who doesnt, with its ultra fashionable look and unique embroidery, this Poncho is a must buy. This Kid Express Poncho set comes with a matching pure cotton legging pair, which will be ideal for her, keeping her warm and in fashion. This is a striking design and equally eye catching trend setter, and may be just what she needs to add that little flair to her wardrobe.

Is your son one of those boys who likes taking it easy, and is not really pushed in to anything, including getting dressed up? Well, the perfect way to kick back and take it easy is by getting into one of Kid Express Boys Collections Cargo Bermuda Shorts. Talk about taking it at your own pace, you can be sure he will never be seen out of them, with there cool camouflage print and plenty of pockets, these Bermuda styled shorts are going to be his outfit of choice. Easy to get in and out off, thanks to the elastic waist, you can be sure he is going to want to know where you got these from.

The Kid Express Collection for Girls has some truly amazing and fashionable outfits to choose from, like this Kid Express Bleu Fushsia Top. This top defiantly takes the cake, and is an Kid Express Classic by far. With its sleeveless style and A-line shaped body, the hot pick finish with a layered bird and flower design, this is the ideal top for any baby girl, and she is going to get all the attention in the world because of it. This is a perfect example of how Kid Express is able to blend style and quality perfectly to give you the very best in childrens garments, that too in an affordable price range.

Bring home the super cute Kid Express Bebe Combination Outfit from the Kid Express Baby Boy Collection, and be sure everyone is going to want to see him more in it. This is the perfect daily wear outfit for your baby boy, with its super soft comfort and feel; this is all you need to bring a smile to his face.

So you know where to go the next time you need anything for your childrens wardrobe, its Pure and Honest Kids, giving you more, always. - 15634

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Kate Mack Swimsuits - Get set for Summertime!

By James Mayfieldson

Being one of the most multicultural and diverse brands in the world, Tea is no doubt a truly unique way of expressing your sense of fashion and taste in childrens wear. With the concept of global fashion fusion, Tea has become a popular brand amongst many, and that is why, here, at Pure and Honest Kids, you will find the complete range of Tea products and items. Tea celebrates the cultures of the world and universal similarity in them, making it a truly global brand.

The Kate Mack offers a diverse range of bathing suits for Girls and boys, and there is always something that suits you and your baby perfectly. If you are searching for the ideal attire for your young man, the Kate Mack for boys will have exactly what you are looking for. The Amadou Striped Sweater Polo for instance is a wonderful example of the Kate Macks ability to bring a sense of style and class in to all types of clothes, and combine them with the perfect cultural feel. This shirt from the Kate Macks Ancient Elegance is exactly that, a classic, but with an urban touch as well. This well designed shirt may be just the type of styling you are looking for your young man, and the sterling blue is defiantly going to get him all the attention in the world. This is an easy to wash shirt and is made out of 100% Pima cotton, so there is no compromise on quality what so ever.

Another daily wear item you simply must pickup from the Kate Macks wide range, is the Chambray Denim Pants. This will be a daily concern, and that is why these super tough Denim pants are made to last, with the classic Denim look your ensuring hours of tension free fun. These Pants from the Kate Mack are very soft and comfortable at the same time, again being a pure cotton affair; these Pants are a perfect fit for your little boy.

Again from the Ancient Elegance collection, but this time, one for the ladies, thats right, this special Ancient Embroidery dress from Kate Mack is an absolute stunner. This dress will make your Princess feel like royalty and there is no denying its true splendor. This is another beautiful design from the Kate Mack and is a tank styled dress with well-designed buttons at the back, and comes in milk white.

Are you ready to go east? Well this Aomori Hooded Top by the Kate Mack will make sure you go to Japan and back. Having taken inspiration from woodblock artwork from Japan, this beautiful hoodie with an Aomori print is something that will defiantly spice up the wardrobe a bit. With its in your face bold colors and oriental design, this Aomori Hooded top is going to be the center of everyones attention. The Kate Mack has a massive variety of garments for both boys and girls, so do be sure you consider all the available options, here at Pure and Honest Kids. - 15634

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