Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Video Marketing

By Scott S.

This is a guide I thought I would write after thinking a little while about all of the blackhat video marketing techniques that are out there. If you haven't already heard of these methods, then for a short explanation: You download videos, watermark them with the url of your site, re-upload them to youtube and other video sites. None of that is realy too blackhat though, and this method isn't very black hat either. In fact, this method is totally whitehat, until the end when you'll have the opportunity to choose between blackhat and whitehat traffic. This isn't a new method, this is just an under saturated area for marketers to use right now.

1) Write some sort of article on how to do something and post it to your blog/website/etc... (If you don't have one then don't worry about it).

Try posts like; how to decontaminate your toilet, how to stop old dogs from peeing everywhere, how to find a mate fast, or something similar (less stupid) to that.

Then of course you'll want to monetize your blog and blog posts with affiliate links and adsense to maximize your profits. The more traffic your video gets, the more clicks to your website, more profit ($$$) you make in a factual theory sort of sense.

2. Video tape yourself or you computer screen as you complete the task that you are teaching people about. For example... I would basically just video tape my screen as I read off of this article. You could get way more complicated than that though.

To video tape your screen you could use hypercam, camtasia, camstudio, fraps, or etc

3. When you're finished with your video, open it in your video editing software. I usually just use windows movie maker, the video editing process is not very complicated.

4. Now that you have the program open in your video editor you can narrate the video if you haven't already. What I would do is read the article I wrote to correspond to what you're doing int he video. You can add annotations and links in your description on youtube, and other video sites.

5. Add the url of your website as a subtitle on your video. This way people will know where the video came from no matter how it is shared. You can include direct links to your website or blog post in the description of your video also.

6. Now is the crossroads between white and black hat. You could just let your videos sit there.. or do something worthwhile (I have no idea). Or you could go the black hat rout and just use software like Tube Automator to inrease the traffic to your videos.

This is an easy way to get lot's of visitors to your site or affiliate landing page with just a little bit of work. If you keep at it you could be getting thousands of visitors to your site each day without any problems. - 15634

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