Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Insider Secrets Behind Successful Keywords

By Brian Basch

Keywords are the number one concern of advertisers. In fact the keywords you choose are the deciding factor in the success or failure of your campaign. When you select the wrong keywords you are dooming your campaign to failure. A failed campaign will cost you a lot of money and bring in worthless leads and traffic.

Many advertisers are under the mistaken impression that a keyword's success depends on luck and some research. Many just go to the search engine database and select some popular keywords. These keywords will give you a large amount of traffic but little or no sales. Part of the problem is the large amount of search result pages that come up when a popular keyword is inserted. A point to be remembered is that searchers will not usually look beyond the first 5-10 pages of results. Your ad will need to be placed among these pages to be seen.

Of course an ad must be shown among the first 5-10 pages to be successful, but where do the keywords fir into this equation? To ensure a good position for their ad, the advertiser must bid competitively. They must pay more for each click than their competitors, to get into the first 5-10 pages.

This may not appear to be significant but when you think about the fact that you pay for every click, even if it is not making any sales, you will end up spending a lot of money. This means that every ad must convert well in order to be cost efficient.

You will need to ensure maximum efficiency from each keyword, to make your ad successful. The best keyword will target your niche market, but will be broad enough to gather new leads. Sometimes searchers will use general keywords to find what they need.

You can get assistance for selecting good keywords by using the useful tools and tutorials offered by Google at the Adwords site

These tools are sometimes neglected by marketers and will cost them a lot of wasted money and time. It is good to understand how useful these tools really are. In fact they will help you to improve your campaign and make better money.

So use these helpful strategies to make your Adwords campaign the best ever. In this way you will get ahead of your competition and make substantial profits. - 15634

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