Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Inexpensive ways to do online advertising

By Rohndra Tanderly

Everyone knows that advertising is important in growing a business. You won't sell what you have to offer if people don't know you exist. With the advent of the internet, advertising is a little more complex than it has been in the past. Not only do you have the traditional options for your advertising dollars, you also have many options for online advertising.

So one simple way to start is to make sure you are marketing to only those that are interested in what you have to offer. Put yourself in your customers shoes, What words would you use to search for your item?

PPC also know as pay per click advertising is one of the ways people advertise online. PPC displays links on pages that are targeted by keywords. You pay for PPC when someone clicks through to your site. Google AdWords is one example of PPC.

Text link advertising is another, relatively inexpensive, way to go. It allows you to a select a keyword within the text of another website to direct people to your site.

Classified advertising lets you place an ad on a free classified website similar to newspaper classifieds. These options vary from free to paid. If you go this route find a high traffic site or one that offers classified ad syndication so that your classified ad gets the exposure it needs.

Start today. Use these methods to start bringing cheap traffic to your website. - 15634

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