Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Six Pack Ab Models' Secrets

By Gerard Lanzona

They're the envy of pot-bellied sofa surfers across the country. They even serve as inspiration for those of us with enough drive and conviction to hit the gym and take-up workout programs. They're on the pages of GQ, Men's Health and late night fitness infomercials happily pumping-away on the latest exercise gadget- those super-fit ab models with seemingly impossible six packs.

These days, getting six pack abs tops the list of priorities for fitness buffs everywhere. It's not just with gym aficionados either. Flaunting a shredded midsection on the beach is an all-too-common fantasy for a majority of men (and a significant number of women)- single or married, straight or gay, prince or pauper. Countless people have tried and because of frustration, gave-up getting a six-pack abs thinking it's hopeless. If you're one of those poor souls, break out the gym bag and water bottle again- getting washboard abs worthy of shirtless strolls on the beach (or the boulevard) is really quite simple.

The fitness ab models with those glorious six-packs didn't get them by slacking-off and logging-extended hours on the boob tube of course, but their workouts aren't as grueling as most folks yearning for a shredded midsection think. A combination of cardio and muscle building exercises that target and keep-off body fat as source for energy will do the trick.

Doing exercises that keep your heart rate within your anaerobic threshold (experts call it AT) are most effective in exposing the rectus abdominus by eliminating belly fat. Keeping your heart rate at 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate somehow causes the body to source body fat for most of the energy spent.

Building muscle also increases a person's metabolism, meaning more calories burned even while inactive. The more muscles we pack on, the less calories we have to burn through exercise. Having a body like King Diomedes then, will let us expend calories even while off in dreamland fighting epic battles.

Ab models, as you already know, didn't get their physique from gorging on fatty snacks and gulping down soda. Their diet is not as strict and oppressive as one might think however. Simply substituting chips and chocolate bars for omega-3 rich nuts and fat-burning citrus fruits will help a lot in getting you closer to your goal.

Most people have the notion that the less food you put into your system, the less fat you become. Skipping meals? No, this is not what six pack ab models do it. The human body actually loses less fat when it's starving. It's an evolutionary thing from our caveman days. Our bodies try to preserve stored fat by slowing down our metabolism and getting energy from other sources like glycogen and, gasp! Even muscle tissue.

Knowledge of how our body works, a proper workout program and eating smart- this makes up a recipe for six-pack success that anybody with the right amount of determination can use. - 15634

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