Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Creating Jewelry for Fun and Earnings

By Ethan O. Tanner

An old proverb pronounces that work isn't really work if you delight in what you're doing. If one of your avocations is jewelry making, why not turn this activity into a generator of profit? You're already enjoying it anyway, and it wouldn't take a good deal of additional effort to share your jewelry creations with people who would value them and be willing to pay for them. With a little extra work, time management and discipline, jewelry making is an outstanding way to have fun and earn a bit of extra revenue on the side.

Whether you're a beginner about to enter the jewelry making line of business for the first time or whether you're already an expert, there are always various staple factors to deliberate. First, it's crucial to have a decent amount of space where you can work unbothered for a certain length of time each day and where you can stow your jewelry making materials and tools. It doesn't have to be an enormous space, just a corner or room where you can focus on bringing your ideas to life and be away from unwarranted distractions.

If you haven't already, decide on the kind of jewelry you are going to make. If you're just getting your feet wet in the jewelry making arena, start out with something simple. Think about what type of jewelry you'd enjoy and feel comfortable wearing and go on from there. Whatever materials you might need are readily available either on the Internet or in a physical retail store. Then, as you become more adept at what you're doing, you can start exploring other, more complex jewelry making techniques. Remember, there is a plethora of information resources to help you make money from your hobby: books, specialty magazines, the Internet, and other jewelry makers.

After you've made a number of jewelry items, there are steps you can take to get other people interested in them. Be a walking advertisement for your jewelry making business. Wear some of your creations whenever you go out: wear them to work, when you go to the supermarket, or when you attend parties. Word of mouth is also a great way to let other people know about your jewelry making endeavor. Show some of your finished pieces to family and friends, and encourage them to spread the word.

The important thing to remember is that you continue to enjoy making jewelry and to take pride in your creations. Your passion for this hobby and business will reward you mentally and financially. Your love for jewelry making will be the key factor in maintaining your creativity level and it will help you come up with the designs that appreciative customers will buy. Never forget the 'fun' factor in jewelry making, as this will be reflected in your work, and the 'profit' factor will follow. - 15634

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